Footer Section

You can easily remove items from the Cart. The response contains the delete status of each item deleted.
The reference to the cart or 'active' for the current active cart.
The pricing strategy to use. 'default' | 'async' | 'skip'
The rule strategy to use. 'default' | 'async' | 'skip'
The account value from the header is taken as default account if passed as query parameter.
Content type of the request body.
The name of the storefront used for the request.
curl --request POST \--url \--header 'Accept: application/json' \--header 'Authorization: Basic 123' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--header 'x-account: ' \--header 'x-storefront: ' \--data '[{"Id": "a1I3I0000004CoPUAU"},{"Id": "a1I3I0000004CoQUAU"}]'
1{2"title": "success",3"status": 200,4"data": [5{6"id": "a1C4R0000062IC0UAM",7"success": true,8"errors": []9},10{11"id": "a1C4R0000062IC1UAM",12"success": true,13"errors": []14},15{16"id": "a1C4R0000062IC2UAM",17"success": true,18"errors": []19}20]21}