Footer Section

Delete a single record from the server based on the object type passed as the 'object' path varible that matches the 'recordId' path variable.
Name of the object you want to take an action on.
Id of the record you are deleting.
The account value from the header is taken as default account if passed as query parameter.
The name of the storefront used for the request.
curl --request DELETE \--url \--header 'Accept: application/json' \--header 'Authorization: Basic 123' \--header 'x-account: ' \--header 'x-storefront: '
1{2"title": "success",3"status": 200,4"data": [5{6"id": "a1I3I0000004CoKUAU",7"success": true,8"errors": []9}10]11}