Footer Section

Creates an order object based on the cart that matches the cartId path variable.
The reference to the cart Id for the current active cart.
The account value from the header is taken as default account for order properties like ShipTo, SoldTo, and BillTo, only when the value of these properties are null.
Content type of the request body.
The name of the storefront used for the request.
curl --request POST \--url \--header 'Accept: application/json' \--header 'Authorization: Basic 123' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--header 'x-account: ' \--header 'x-storefront: ' \--data '{"Order": {"Description": "From API","BillToAccountId": "0014R00002XlsOb","ShipToAccountId": "0014R00002XlsOb"},"Contact": {"FirstName": "Sample","LastName": "Name","Contact_Full_Name": "Hello","MailingStreet": "124 My Street","Email": ""}}'