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Setting Up Partial Orders from Price Agreements

Sales orders are generated using price agreements from quotes or agreements where the Intent field is set to "Price Agreement". This allows Order Management users to place full or partial sales orders against a price agreement whose line items have been pre-negotiated at specific quantities and pricing.

Configuring Price Agreements

Administrators are responsible for setting up the Price Agreements tab in the user interface and for customizing the page layout in the UI. Complete all of the following tasks to set up price agreements for Order Management.

To create the tab for managing price agreements

  1. Log in to your Salesforce org.
  2. Go to Setup > Tabs.
  3. Under Visualforce Tabs, Click New.
  4. Select POPriceAgreement from the Visualforce Page drop-down.
  5. Enter a label for the tab (for example, "Price Agreement").
  6. Press the Tab key to autofill the Tab Name field.
  7. (Optional) Choose a tab style.

  8. Click Next.
  9. Select tab visibility for profiles and click Next.
  10. Select which apps have access to this tab. Click Save.

To configure order system properties for price agreements

  1. Go to Setup > Custom Settings > Order System Properties.
  2. Click the Manage button.
  3. Click Edit to the left of System Properties.
  4. Enter values for the properties described in the following table:



    Example Value

    Agreement Fields for Partial Order

    Enter the list of the API names of the fields from the Agreement object to display as columns on the agreement list view page under Price Agreements.



    Agreement Fields for Partial Order2

    Use this field to list additional field API names when the total number of characters for the "Agreement Fields for Partial Order" property is exceeded.

    Agmt Item Edit Fields For Partial Order

    Enter the list of editable field API names from the agreement line item object when creating partial orders. Each field must be separated by a comma or a new line.



    To make these custom fields visible on the Price Agreement Line Items UI, you must add them to Agreement Item Fields for Partial Order2 on the Order System Properties Detail Page.

    Agreement Item Fields for Partial Order

    Enter the list of the API names of the fields from the Agreement Line Item object to display as columns on the agreement line item list view page under Price Agreement Details.



    Agreement Item Fields for Partial Order2

    Use this field to list additional field API names when the total number of characters for the "Agreement Item Fields for Partial Order" property is exceeded.

    Quote Fields for Partial Order

    Enter the list of the API names of the fields from the Quote/Proposal object to display as columns on the quote list view page under Price Agreements.



    Quote Fields for Partial Order2

    Use this field to list additional field API names when the total number of characters for the "Quote Fields for Partial Order" property is exceeded.

    Quote Item Edit Fields For Partial Order

    Enter the list of editable field API names from the proposal line item object when creating partial orders. Each field must be separated by a comma or a new line.



    To make these custom fields visible on the Price Agreement Line Items UI, you must add them to Quote Item Fields for Partial Order2 on the Order System Properties Detail Page.

    Quote Item Fields for Partial Order

    Enter the list of the API names of the fields from the Quote/Proposal Line Item object to display as columns on the quote line item list view page under Price Agreement Details.



    Quote Item Fields for Partial Order2

    Use this field to list additional field API names when the total number of characters for the "Quote Item Fields for Partial Order" property is exceeded.


    Field values must be comma-separated.

  5. Click Save.

To configure field sets for displaying information in the price agreement UI

  1. Go to Setup > Objects > Order.
  2. Under Field Sets, click Edit next to the field set you want to configure. Refer to the following table for the list of configurable field sets and their purposes:

    Field Set



    Manage Customer PO Basic Info

    This field set is used to display the list of fields in the header of the Create Sales Order screen.

    Fields are displayed in the order they are added to the fieldset.

    Manage Customer PO Additional Info

    This field set is used to display additional fields on the Create Sales Order screen.

    Fields are displayed in the order they are added to the fieldset.

    Manage Customer PO List View

    This field set determines the columns displayed in the Price Agreement Detail screen.

    Price Agreements can be sorted or filtered by column.


    The columns in the Price Agreement Detail page display the full column name. This is true for both the Price Agreement Line Items and Order List-1 tabs.

  3. When you are done adding fields to a field set, click Save to save your changes. Go to the appropriate page under Price Agreements to verify the fields are displayed.

To create a custom lookup field for an object

  1. Go to Setup > Objects > Order.
  2. Click New under Custom Fields and Relationships.
  3. Select the Lookup Relationships radio button under Data Type and then click Next.
  4. Click the Related To drop-down and select Opportunity.

    You can select any object from the drop-down for which you want to create a custom field.

  5. Click Next.
  6. Enter a label of your choice (for example - RB Opportunity) in the Field Label.

    The same label is auto-populated in the field name.

  7. Click Next.
  8. Select the Visible and Read Only checkboxes. Click Next.
  9. Click Next again and then click the Save button to save the page.

You will automatically navigate back to the Order object page where you can see the new field and its API name under the Custom Fields and Relationships.

To set lookup filter criteria for the custom field

  1. Go to Setup > Custom Settings > Lookup Field Settings.
  2. Click the Manage button.
  3. Click New.
  4. Enter values for the following fields:




    Provide a suitable name for the lookup filter; for example, "RB Opportunity Lookup".

    Lookup Display Columns

    Enter "Name".


    This is the only value supported for this field.

    Lookup Field Name

    Copy and paste the API name of the custom field you created in the previous procedure (to create a custom field for any filter criteria); for example, "RB_Opportunity__c".

    Object Name

    Copy and paste the API name for the object on which this field is created; for example, "Apttus_Config2__Order__c".

    Filter Criteria

    Enter the value by which you will filter the results; for example, Amount < 1200.


    Every time you want to search with new filter criteria, you must provide that filter criteria value in this field. As you have created the custom field on the Opportunity object, you can enter any value from the Opportunity Standard Fields.

Relabeling the Price Agreement Tab

Administrators can relabel any custom labels including the Price Agreement to suit the demands of their customers. A translation workbench in the Salesforce org enables the relabeling of the custom labels. The translation workbench also enables you to translate these labels into any of the languages that Salesforce supports.


Ensure that the translation workbench is enabled for your Salesforce org.

To relabel the Price Agreement tab

  1. Go to Setup > Custom Labels.
  2. Create a new custom label that you want to relabel, such as the Price Agreement as follows:
    1. Click the New Custom Label button.
    2. In the Short Description field, enter Price Agreement. The same value is copied to the Name field.
    3. In the Categories and Value fields enter some informational text for your reference.
    4. Click Save. A new Price Agreement custom label is created.
  3. Click the Price Agreement custom label.

    Custom Label Managed page opens to show Custom Label Detail and Local Translations/Overrides sections.

  4. In the Local Translations/Overrides section, click the New Local Translations/Overrides button to create a new translation text as follows:
    1. In the Translation Text field, enter the name of your choice for relabelling Price Agreement such as Custom Price Agreement.
    2. Click Save.
  5. Go to All tabs () and click the Price Agreement tab to verify that it is now relabeled as a Custom Price Agreement tab.