Viewing the Product Details Page in Embedded Mode
In Embedded mode. the Product Details page outlines the product configuration section in an iframe. Embedded mode is applicable only for complex products.
- You can access the Product Details page from the Catalog or Cart by clicking on the product image.
- The details tab displays the Net Price and Standard Price at the top of the details page. The price displayed is for a selected bundle along with secondary charge types.
- The Price Summary button is not available in Embedded mode.
- There is only the Save Changes button available to add the products to the cart.
- View and configure complex products with product attributes and options. Click the Validate button after every change you make to the attributes, options, or quantity.
- Save Changes button in the mini cart is disabled until the user selects a valid configuration for the product.
- Upon navigating away from the product details page having unsaved changes in the cart, a confirmation popup is displayed - “You have unsaved changes to the product configuration! Are you sure you want to proceed?” If you agree, click Confirm or click Cancel to cancel the action.
Error Components (Notification icon, Side panel, Top error panel, validation panel)
- All cart errors and errors generated due to the currently selected configuration of the product are displayed.
- Any resolutions done in error components in all other pages except Product details page gets committed to the main cart.
- Any resolutions done in error components in the product details page gets committed ONLY to the secondary cart.
- Any resolutions done in validation error components in all other pages except the Product details page gets committed to both main and secondary carts.
- Cart level resolutions from the error components immediately sync upwards into the MAIN cart.
Asset Based Ordering (ABO) is not supported in Embedded mode.
You cannot add a product to the cart from the Recommended product section in Embedded mode. The only way to add a product to the cart is to click the product card that takes you to the product details page of the selected product.
For information on cart behavior in Embedded mode upon selection and updating product configuration, refer to Working with the Mini Cart.