Conga Collaborate February24.05.31 Release Notes
In these release notes, you can find packages, requirements, features, enhancements, fixed issues, and known issues for the Conga Collaborate February24.05.32 release. For documentation updates, see What's New in Collaborate Documentation.
This documentation may contain descriptions of software features that are optional and for which you may not have purchased a license. As a result, your specific software solution and/or implementation may differ from those described in this document. Please contact your CSM or AE for information on your specific features and licensing.
The following packages and dependent packages are required to upgrade to this release to utilize all the new features of this release. These are the minimum required versions; later versions are also supported. Separate prerequisites for each feature can be found in the respective guides. The packages marked as (New) are new packages in this release.
Package |
Latest Certified Version Number |
Conga Collaborate (New) |
Iteration 151 |
System Requirements and Supported Platforms
For information pertaining to the requirements and recommendations you must consider before you proceed with the installation of the Conga product, see System Requirements and Supported Platforms Matrix.
Upgrade Notes
To upgrade Conga Collaborate, see Installing and Configuring Conga Collaborate.
New Features
There were no new features in this release.
The following enhancement is new in this release:
Edit the Title of a Reference Template Page
Conga can enable your account to allow users to edit template titles for Reference pages. Once this feature is enabled, users can edit the title by clicking on the gear icon on the template page. Contact your account manager to enable this feature. For more information on template creation and setup, see Creating a Template.
Fixed Issues
There were no fixed issues in this release.
Known Issues
There are no known issues in this release.