Conga Partner Commerce June23.04.05 Release Notes
In these release notes, you can find packages, requirements, features, enhancements, fixed issues, and known issues for the Partner Commerce June23.04.05 release. For documentation updates, see What's New in Partner Commerce Documentation.
This documentation may describe optional features for which you have not purchased a license, therefore, your solution or implementation may differ from what is described here. Contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) or Account Executive (AE) to discuss your specific features and licensing.
The following packages and dependencies are required to upgrade to this release and use its new features. These are the minimum required versions; later versions are also supported. Prerequisites for each feature can be found in its documentation. Packages marked (New) are new for this release.
You must have Community Portal login credentials to be able to download these packages.
Package |
Latest Certified Version Name |
Latest Certified Version Number |
Conga Contract Lifecycle Management |
15.1.0181.8 |
15.181.8 |
Conga Partner Commerce |
1.0.0000 |
1.0 |
Conga Digital Commerce (New) Note:
This is a Turbo enabled release. For non-Turbo, see Partner Commerce Winter '20 documentation. |
7.180.8 |
7.180.8 |
Conga Digital Commerce SDK (New) |
2302.1.12 (2302) |
2302.1.12 (2302) |
Turbo Pricing (For details, see Enabling TurboPricing in an Org) |
2023.6.0.x |
2023.6.0.x |
Conga Quote Management (New) |
13.1.0266.2 |
13.266.2 |
Conga Base Library (New) (Pre-requisite for Installing Conga Configuration & Pricing) | |
4.245.1 |
Conga Configuration & Pricing (New) |
15.1.2090.83 |
15.2090.83 |
Conga Quote Configuration Integration |
15.1.0400.7 |
15.400.7 |
Conga CPQ Setup | |
15.137.8 |
Conga CPQ API |
15.0.0131.7 |
15.131.7 |
Conga Promotions (Required if you are using Promotions) |
1.0.0000 |
1.0 |
Conga Quote Asset Integration (Required if you are using Assets Based Ordering) |
6.5.0015 |
6.15 |
Conga Order Management |
1.0.0000 |
1.0 |
Conga Billing (New) |
9.1.345.10 |
9.345.10 |
For more information on installing Partner Commerce managed packages, refer to Installing Partner Commerce Packages. For more information on upgrading Partner Commerce managed packages, refer to Upgrading Partner Commerce.
System Requirements and Supported Platforms
For requirements and recommendations to consider before installing the Conga product suite, see System Requirements and Supported Platforms Matrix.
New Features
There are no new features in this release.
The following enhancement is new in this release.
Product Configuration Version Number
When a user places an order, the application now maintains the product configuration version number. The default product configuration version number begins with 1 and increases with each cart created for the same Order.
Data Model Changes
There are no data model changes in this release.
Fixed Issues
The following table lists the issues fixed in this release. If any actions are required, they will be listed in this table.
Case Number |
Conga Internal ID |
Description |
00846467 |
CPQ-70294 |
When all of the carts on the My Carts page are deleted and the page is refreshed, a few carts are created automatically. |
00871303 |
CPQ-78899 |
When you add product(s) using SOAP API while pricing for the previously added product(s) is being processed, the DC Promise queueable job (async process) is created and the application deletes the product(s) from the cart that was added right after the pricing started. Resolution: You can set async process to avoid creating a DC promise queueable job. To configure the sync process, you can utilize the query parameter For example, if you set the |
Known Issues
There are no known issues in this release.