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X-Author for Contracts 1.0 Spring20.09.28 Release Notes


X-Author does not reflect changes in migrated templates, when templates are migrated using X-Author Migration Manager from the source org to the destination org and the destination org already contains those template records.


The template versioning does not increment the template document version value when checking in an existing template after making changes to it. This occurs when a template is migrated from the source org to the destination org which already contains that template record.


When you open a recently migrated template document in X-Author Contracts and click Check Out > Currently opened document, you receive an exception error and are logged out of X-Author Contracts. This occurs when you migrate a template from a template versioning enabled org to a new org, download the attachment from the template record and open it in X-Author Contracts.


When you compare two agreement documents containing date fields - both in text and in table cells - and then accept or reject changes in the document, the date picker in some of the date fields is lost.


When you perform Update from Salesforce action on a generated agreement document that does not have values for the first column of the repeating table, X-Author Contracts shows a blank screen.


After changing the content of a marked clause and viewing it in the control panel by clicking Show Changes, X-Author Contracts removes one character from the clause in the changes screen.