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X-Author for Excel Winter 2018 Patch 22 Release Notes

About Release Notes

Apttus Release Notes contain the following information about X-Author for Excel Winter 2018 Patch 22 Release.

  • Packages: Lists packages that are required to upgrade to this release of the product

  • System Requirements and Supported Platforms: Lists requirements and recommendations for installing this release

  • New Features: Provides high-level descriptions of new features introduced in this release, with links to more detailed information

  • Enhancements: Provides high-level descriptions of enhancements to existing features

  • Resolved Issues: Lists customer-reported issues that are resolved in this release or known issues resolved from previous releases
  • Known Issues: Lists known issues that are applicable in this release


This documentation may contain descriptions of software features that are optional and for which you may not have purchased a license. As a result, your specific software solution and/or implementation may differ from those described in this document. Please contact your CSM or AE for information on your specific features and licensing.


The following packages and dependent packages are required to upgrade to this release to utilize all the new features of this release. These are the minimum required versions; later versions are also supported. Separate prerequisites for each feature can be found in the respective guides. The packages marked as (New) are new packages in this release.




Product Edition

Salesforce Managed Packages

Apttus X-Author For Excel


Power Admin




Apttus X-Author Designer for Excel


Power Admin




Apttus X-Author for Excel Document Generation



Apttus X-Author for Excel (Power Admin)


Power Admin

Microsoft Dynamics Managed Solution



Microsoft Office Add-in (Supports Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, and Apttus Omni)


If you have a Microsoft Dynamics only version and want to upgrade, you must first uninstall the add-in.

Apttus X-Author for Excel: Runtime Only (English) (New)


Power Admin




Apttus X-Author for Excel: Designer + Runtime Add-in (English) (New)


Power Admin




System Requirements and Supported Platforms

The following table lists the minimum requirements for installing and using X-Author for Excel.



Microsoft Office Version

Operating System

Windows 10

Windows 8.1

Windows 8

Windows 7

Office 2010, 2013, 2016

Office 2010, 2013, 2016

Office 2010, 2013, 2016

Office 2010, 2013

New Features

There are no new features in this release. Keep checking the Apttus Documentation Portal for new updates.


There are no enhancements in this release.

Resolved Issues

The following table lists the issue resolved in this release.

Case Number

Apttus Internal ID

Issue Description



The dependant field did not get updated in the presto XAE application.

Known Issues

The following table provides the cumulative list of known issues up to this release.

Case Number

Apttus Internal ID

Issue Description



Dependent picklist fields are blank when using special characters in a record type.

Recommendation: Do not use special characters in any Salesforce records. You can use macro action or vlookup excel formula feature instead.

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DOC ID: XAEWIN18P22RN20200605