To configure Business Units
- Navigate to Conga Sign Setup.
- Click Business Units.
Click Edit Business Unit next to a specific Business Unit.
Administrators only have access to the default Business Unit unless the multiple Business Units feature is enabled.
Modify the existing values in the Business Unit Name and
Business Unit API Name fields or enter new field values.
The Business Unit Name is displayed in the Business Unit picklist on the Create Transaction user interface and is also displayed in the Audit Trail. The Business Unit API Name is used to specify a Business Unit with the businessUnit Conga Sign parameter and the CSBusinessUnit Composer parameter topic in Composer Parameter Guide. The Business Unit API Name can only contain underscores and alphanumeric characters. It must be unique for the org, begin with a letter, not include spaces, not end with an underscore, and not contain two consecutive underscores.
- Click Upload Files to upload a new Company Logo for the Business Unit.
Configure email branding for the Business Unit by modifying the values of the following fields.
- Email Display Name
- Subject
Information previously stored in the Email Configuration section of Conga Sign Setup is automatically carried over and applied to an org's default Business Unit in orgs that had a version of Conga Sign preceding version 1.49.0. The Company Logo is also moved from the Org Configuration section and carried over to the default Business Unit.
Configure the contact information for the Business Unit by entering values in the following fields.
- Company
- Address
- City, State, and Zip/Postal Code
- Country
- Phone Number
- Website
- Click Save.
Enable the Business Unit.
- If you are configuring the default Business Unit, it is enabled by default and no further action is required.
- If you are configuring a Business Unit that is not the default Business Unit, click the Set Status toggle to change the value from Inactive to Active.
Note:Default Business Units are set to active by default. You must activate non-default Business Units to use them in Conga Sign Transactions and emails.
Orgs with the multiple Business Units feature enabled can also choose a new default Business Unit.
For information on choosing a default Business Units, see Choosing a Default Business Unit.