Conga Product Documentation

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Available Notifications

The following table lists the notifications that are available:
Note: In the following table:
  • The maximum size for all sessionUser field is 255 characters.
  • The maximum size for all packageId field is 255 characters.
  • The sessionUser field depends on whether or not the event was generated by a sender, or by a signer. Sender triggered events will have the sender ID. Signer triggered events will have the signer ID.


Event Description

JSON Payload


A document was signed, or Consent and/or Disclosure Agreements were accepted.

{ "name": "DOCUMENT_SIGNED","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","documentId": "......", (max 256 chars)"createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" }


A document was viewed.

{ "name": "DOCUMENT_VIEWED","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","documentId": "......", (max 256 chars)"createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" }


An email has bounced. The bounce types are the following:
  • "BOUNCE" (a hard bounce)
  • "COMPLAINT" (a soft bounce)
  • "OOTO" (out-of-the-office)

{ "name": "EMAIL_BOUNCE","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","message": "bounce type","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" }


There was a KBA Authentication failure.

{ "name": "KBA_FAILURE","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" }
PACKAGE_ACTIVATEA callback notification indicates that a package has been archived.{ "name": "PACKAGE_ARCHIVE","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" }
PACKAGE_ATTACHMENTA callback notification indicates that a signer has uploaded an attachment.{ "name": "PACKAGE_ATTACHMENT","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","message": "attachment name", (max 255 chars)"createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" }
PACKAGE_COMPLETEA package has completed the signing process. If there are multiple signers then the "sessionUser": "...", will be the signer ID of the last signer to sign.{ "name": 'PACKAGE_COMPLETE',"sessionUser": '...',"packageId": '......',"createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" }
PACKAGE_CREATEA package has been created. Thus the Originating System can record Conga Sign's package ID, together with the Originating System's transaction ID.{ "name": "PACKAGE_CREATE","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" }
PACKAGE_DEACTIVATEA package's status has changed from SENT to DRAFT.{ "name": "PACKAGE_DEACTIVATE","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" }
PACKAGE_DECLINEA recipient has declined to sign a package, and has specified a reason for doing so, the Originating System can use that reason to determine the next step for the package.{ "name": "PACKAGE_DECLINE","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","message": "decline reason", (max 4000 chars)"createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" }
PACKAGE_DELETEA package has been deleted from the Conga Sign system.{ "name": "PACKAGE_DELETE","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" }
PACKAGE_EXPIREA package has exceeded its expiration date.{ "name": "PACKAGE_EXPIRE","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "...","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" }
PACKAGE_READY_FOR_COMPLETEA package has been marked as DO_NOT_AUTOCOMPLETE. An action by the sender will be required to complete the package.{ "name": "PACKAGE_READY_FOR_COMPLETE","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" }
PACKAGE_RESTOREA package was trashed, but is being moved back to the state it was in before it was trashed.{ "name": "PACKAGE_RESTORE","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" }
PACKAGE_TRASHA package was moved to the trash folder in Conga Sign's Inbox (status = TRASH).{ "name": "PACKAGE_TRASH","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" }
ROLE_REASSIGNA signer has delegated their signature to another signer.{ "name": "ROLE_REASSIGN","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","newRoleId": "......", (max 255 chars)"createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" }
SIGNER_COMPLETEA signer has completed signing all documents.{ "name": "SIGNER_COMPLETE","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" }
SIGNER_LOCKEDA callback notification indicates that a signer has been locked out due to repeated SMS/Q&A authentication failures.{ "name": "SIGNER_LOCKED","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" }
TEMPLATE_CREATEA callback notification indicates that a template has been created.{ "name": "TEMPLATE_CREATE","sessionUser": "...","packageId": "......","createdDate": "2017-05-02T20:17:58.408Z" }