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Installing TurboPricing Assessment Package

Apttus_TPAssessment package contains the TurboPricing Assessment page and related resources. Installing this package creates a TurboPricing Assessment tab. This tab includes a list of features that are currently used and supported features in TurboPricing.

Note: This package depends on the CPQ package (Spring '19 or later).


Rename the instance names for Config System Properties and Config Custom Classes as mentioned below.

Custom Setting Name

Instance Name

Config System Properties

System Properties

Config Custome Classes

Custom Classes

To install TP_Assessment Package

  1. Click the link. The Salesforce login page is displayed.

    If you are trying to install in a sandbox or test environment, enter at the beginning of the URL.

  2. Enter your user name and password, and click Log In.
    The package may require a password and the default password is 12345.
  3. After installing the TurboPricing Assessment package, provide necessary permissions to the required profiles.

Navigating the TurboPricing Assessment Tab

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your user name and password, and click Log In.
  3. Click All Tabs () > TurboPricing Assessment.

Upgrading TurboPricing Assessment package

The Apttus_TPAssessment package is an unmanaged package. Therefore, you can not upgrade the Apttus_TPAssessment package directly to the latest version. To upgrade the TurboPricing Assessment package, uninstall the old version from your org before installing the latest package.