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Configuring Action Permissions for the Agreement Object

Some X-Author for Contract Advanced options must be configured by enabling action permissions for the Agreement object. Enabling the Retain Document Name and Create PDF/A checkboxes during check-in are two of these options.

Configure Action Permissions for the Agreement Object

  1. In the Conga Platform, click on the upper left menu icon and select Admin Console..
  2. Select Users.
  3. Click Permission Groups
  4. Click on your permission group.
  5. Under the Object permissions tab, search for "Agreement" and click Set under the Action Permissions column.
  6. Search for the action permission you want to enable. For example, DISPLAY CHECKIN RETAIN DOCUMENT NAME or DISPLAY CHECKIN CREATE PDF/A. Check the box beside the option.

    You may have to browse through multiple pages of results depending on how many rows you have selected to display per page.

  7. Click Save.