Creating New Templates
To get started with creating a new Agreement or Clause template in X-Author for Contracts, you must first define the basic properties for your template.
To create a new Template
- Open Microsoft Word and launch the add-in.
- Log in to X-Author for Contracts.
In the Contracts pane, click the Home button (
) and select Templates.
In the Templates pane, go to Start> Create New and enter the following details,
(fields marked with an asterisk * are required fields)
Field Name
Enter the name of the template.
Choose the template type from the Agreement, Clause, Proposal, Section, and Supporting Document.
Business Object
Choose the business object for your template (e.g., Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c for Agreement). This picklist is dependent on the value selected for Type.
Alternate Clause
Select the checkbox to create an alternate clause. This field is only displayed when you select Clause as type and Agreement (Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c) as business object.
Agreement Types
From the picklist, you can select multiple agreement types to associate with your template. The value of Agreement Types decides which templates are available at the time of agreement generation. If your template's agreement type matches with the agreement type of your agreement record, you will see that template in the list of available templates at the time of document generation.
Choose the category from the picklist. Template categories are defined by the administrator, in Conga CLM. This field is usually used by template administrators to categorize templates created by them for easy access.
The subcategory is a dependent field. Subcategories are populated-based on the value chosen for Category. The subcategories are defined by the administrator, in Conga CLM.
Choose the default template language from the picklist. The default language for the template is English (US).
Clause Behavior
This option is only available if you select Clause as your Type. There are two selections available in this option:
- Default
- Delete Read-Only
This option is not available for Alternate Clauses. If you select Default, the clause is set to Ready-Only. These clauses can be inserted into a template but are uneditable.
Select the locale from the picklist. Locale allows you to define locale settings for number and currency precision, currency format, and date format. Locales can be system defaults or user-defined locales. You can configure custom locales in Contract Management. For more information, see Adding Custom Locale in CLM for Administrators.
Enable Formatting
Check this box to enable locale formatting at the template and field level for this template. This allows you to define locale settings for Currency, Number, and Date formats.
Optional: Specify the following fields when "Enable Formatting" is selected to modify locale formatting.
Date Format
Select an option from the picklist to choose the default format for all date fields in the template.
Currency Format
Select an option from the picklist to choose the format for all currency fields in the template. Choose "None" to only display currency field values in generated documents.
If "Currency Symbol" is selected, currency fields will be generated with no space between the symbol and field value. If "ISO" is selected, currency fields will be generated with a space between the ISO code and the field value.
Number Precision
Select a number from 0-9 to define the precision for Number/Percent field values in the template. This allows you to define the number of digits to be displayed after the decimal (e.g., "2" if the Number/Percent field should display two digits following the decimal point).
Currency Precision
Select a number from 0-9 to define the precision for currency field values in the template. This allows you to define the number of digits to be displayed after the decimal in currency value (e.g., "2" if the currency field should display two digits following the decimal point).
Enter comma-separated keywords to associate with the template. Keywords make it easier to search the templates.
Next Revision Date
Select the date for the next revision of the template.
Enter the description for the template. Maximum of 255 characters (an error will be thrown if this limit is exceeded). Using this field, you can provide a detailed description of the template.
Enter guidance to help users determine the purpose of the template.
- Click Create to confirm the template properties.
The Work Tab is now enabled. You can now work with your template.