Doc Fields
The Doc Fields section of the Document Panel lists all smart fields in the contract document. Use the Document Panel to take the following actions on fields in the document:
To view and change fields
Marking Fields
Using Mark Fields, you can mark small chunks of the agreement document content as fields. When you mark content in an agreement document as a field, it becomes a smart field. Smart field values can be reconciled with data in the agreement record when the document is checked in, allowing changes made during negotiation to be accurately reflected and managed as data in the Conga CLM. Content marked as a field must map to the data type of existing fields in your agreement record.
Marking a field in a single agreement does not mark the field across all other documents for the same agreement record.
To mark a field in a document
You will get a success message and the selected text in the contract will acquire content control boundary. The content adopts the properties of the same field on the agreement record. The marked field will now be displayed in the Doc Fields tab.
You can also mark fields in the following scenarios:
- You can first mark any content in an agreement as a clause and then mark any content inside the clause as a field. For more information to mark a clause, see Marking Clauses. After marking a clause, follow the same steps mentioned in the previous topic to mark a new field. In this scenario, both the marked clause and marked field are displayed in Doc Clauses and Doc Fields tabs respectively.
- You can mark any content as clause which contains smart field as part of it. In this scenario, both the marked clause and smart field inside it are displayed in Doc Clauses and Doc Fields respectively.
- When you check in the document, all the marked clauses and marked fields can be reconciled to the agreement.
Rejecting changes to a field
If changes have been made to smart fields in the document, you can choose to reject these changes in the same session prior to check-in. You can not reject changes for fields that are marked using the Mark Field option.
To reject changes
- Open Microsoft Word and launch the add-in.
- Log in to X-Author for Contracts.
In the Contracts pane, go to Work > Doc Fields. If you do not see Doc fields under the Work tab, click the More icon (
) and from the menu, select Doc Fields.
All fields are displayed in a list in the order they appear in the document. Click the More options icon (
) adjacent to the field in the Doc Fields pane and select Reject changes.
The field value is reverted to its previous value prior to the change. The Doc Fields pane reloads to show the change.
Validating Fields
Use the Validate action to ensure that all smart fields in your document are in the proper format for their assigned data type (e.g., Date, Number, DateTime, selected values from picklists, etc.). For example, if the date format is not proper in the document, you get an error message when validating fields. The agreement document cannot be reconciled at check-in unless all fields in your document are valid.
To validate fields
- Open Microsoft Word and launch the add-in.
- Log in to X-Author for Contracts.
In the Contracts pane, go to Work > Doc Fields. If you do not see Doc fields under the Work tab, click the More icon (
) and from the menu, select Doc Fields.
- Click the Validate button.
- If all the fields are valid, you'll see a success message displayed at the top of the pane. If any fields are invalid, they will all display in a list in Doc Fields pane. Click on a field to go to that field in your document. The selected field is also highlighted in the document. After you make your correction, click on the refresh icon in the upper right of the pane to remove that field from the list.
- Click Done.
- You can now check-in your document.
Marking Fields for Removal
There will be times in the negotiation when a negotiating party wants to remove language from an agreement that contains a smart field. According to document protection settings, users outside your org can remove content from the agreement, but any smart field content removed will not remove the field itself. Follow the below instructions to mark fields for removal. You usually want to mark fields for removal when:
- A user marked static text as a field.
- A Template Admin marked the field as smart.
- You need to delete a smart field from an agreement document.
To mark fields for deletion
To unmark fields for deletion
If you decide in the same session that you want to keep a field in the document that you have already marked for deletion, follow these steps.
- Open Microsoft Word and launch the add-in.
- Log in to X-Author for Contracts.
In the Contracts pane, go to Work > Doc Fields. If you do not see Doc fields under the Work tab, click the More icon (
) and from the menu, select Doc Fields.
All fields are displayed in a list in the order they appear in the document. Click the More options icon (
) adjacent to the field in the Doc Fields pane and select Undo Delete
- Click Undo on the confirmation dialog that appears.