New Features and Enhancements

In this release, the Conga Revenue Lifecycle Platform offers the following new features and enhancements.

Field Metadata Information

The following endpoints are now available under Schema Manager > Object Metadata. These endpoints provide metadata information for a specific field and its dependent fields.

  • GET ​/api​/metadata​/v1​/objects​/\{objectName\}​/fields​/\{fieldName\}

  • GET /​api​/metadata​/v1​/objects​/\{objectName\}​/fields​/\{fieldName\}​/dependency-fields

Workflows: User Interface Enhancements

Enhanced the layout of the Workflow Definition Detail and Workflow Instances screens to improve the user experience.

Reporting and Dashboard: Data Migration

You can now perform a one-time migration of existing tenant data from the Organization Detail to make reporting data available.