New Features

The following is a summary of features introduced in the Summer 2018 release.

Managing CPO Validation and Enrichment Rules

You can now configure Data Validation and Enrichment Rulesets at the object level for Customer Purchase Orders (CPO). Data Validation rulesets comprise rules that you can configure to validate line item data on the purchase order against negotiated line items on an existing quote or agreement. Data Enrichment rulesets comprise rules that you can configure to match fields on the quote or agreement with corresponding fields on the Customer PO. 

Mitigating Data Validation Issues

Order Management now displays error and warnings to the user after a Customer PO is validated based on data validation rules configured for a ruleset. You can take action on a CPO based on the errors and warnings displayed.

Creating Sales Orders from a Customer Purchase Order

You can now create one or more sales orders from a Customer Purchase Order. After validating and accepting a Customer PO, you can use the Order Management UI to create a single order, multiple orders, or partial orders against the line items in the CPO. 

Tracking Order Fulfillment Line Items

You can now track order fulfillment for order line items using the "Fulfillment in Progress?" flag. When the flag is enabled, fulfilled quantity on the order fulfillment line item is not rolled up to the order as the order is considered to still be in progress. This allows you to add intermediate steps to the fulfillment lifecycle before order line items are fulfilled and activated. When a particular fulfillment line item is considered fulfilled, you can set the "Fulfillment in Progress?" flag to false to activate the corresponding line item on the order.

Capture and Process Customer Purchase Orders

You can now capture and process Customer Purchase Orders received from B2B systems. Data is sent from the external system in a machine-readable format (XML, JSON, etc.) and is processed by Order Management. During the process the Customer PO is also accepted and validated based on any existing rules.

Create Partial Orders from Customer Price Agreement (Quote/Contract)

You can now create partial orders from Customer Price Agreement (quotes or agreements with Intent=Price Agreement). A contract price list is generated from the price agreement that is used as the bases for creating order line items for negotiated products and services. Using the Order Management to create partial orders you can:

  • Select one or more-line items and subset of quantity
  • Select items from one or multiple quotes or contracts
  • Track committed quantity and ordered quantity
  • Track compliance

Intelligent Order Assistant (Max for Order Management)

The Intelligent Order Assistant (Max) is now available for Order Management. Max is a conversational interface embedded within web applications, as well as on mobile devices through channels Slack, Skype, and so on. Using Max for Order Management, you can perform the following tasks:

  • View Orders
  • View Order Details

Standard conversational flows available can be modified at the project level.

New Order Management APIs

The following APIs are now available for Order Management tasks:

  • Fetching Price Agreements: This API fetches price agreements based on the proposals or agreements.
  • Fetching Price Agreement Items: This API fetches price agreement items for a specified price agreement type.