New Features 

The following features are new to Conga CPQ on Conga Platform in this release.

Admin Services for Conga Platform

Implementation teams can use these new admin services to build the admin functionalities necessary to configure CPQ. The following APIs are new in this release:

  • GET/visibility-rule/{visibilityRuleId}
  • GET/visibility-rule
  • DELETE/visibility-rule/{visibilityRuleId}
  • POST​/price-lists​/{priceListId}​/prices

Cart Services for Conga Platform

Implementation teams can use these APIs to build a cart as necessary to prepare a product configuration by providing relevant details. These APIs also enable actions on the cart object to activate and price the product configuration. The following APIs are new in this release:

  • POST/carts/{cartId}/quote
  • GET/quotes/{quoteId}/carts/active
  • POST/carts/{cartId}/clone

Custom Settings to Configure Flows for CPQ on Conga Platform

Implementation teams can use the following new APIs to configure the actions, field displays, and settings for each flow, to customize the CPQ application.

  • PUT/flows/{flowName}/settings/{settingName}/{childSettingName}
  • GET/flows/{flowName}/settings/{settingName}/{childSettingName}
  • PUT/flows/{flowName}/actions

New Operators in Charge Type Criteria

The following operators are new in Charge Type Criteria for creating a price list item:

  • Contains
  • Does not contain
  • Starts with


The following section describes the existing features that are changed (or are no longer supported) in this release.

Adding Line Items to Cart

As a part of adding line items to the cart, the following will also be captured:

  • Constraint rules on a product
  • Constrain rules on a product group.
  • Constrain rules on a product family.
  • Constrain rules for bundles associated with a product family.
  • Constrain rules on criteria.
  • Constrain rules on the fieldset.

Retrieving Cart Line Items

While searching for line items associated with the cart ID, you can now retrieve cart line items based on advanced search filter criteria. You can search based on Text, Number, Date, Pick list, and Lookup field values.

Applying Search Filter to Catalog

While using search filters in the catalog to retrieve one or more products, you can now use the Filter and Includes query parameter to deepen your search by passing the categories and pricelist items.

Passing Information to the Quote

After checking out a cart and generating a new quote, you can now pass information to be added to the newly generated quote.

Creating Flows with Custom or Default Custom Setting Values

You can create custom flows with the default custom setting values or you can provide overrides to define custom values in Custom Settings.