
Performance EnhancementsLink to Performance Enhancements

  • We updated the Preview Reconcile screen for improved performance. Clauses which have multiple occurrences of modified content are now grouped together in lists that can be expanded or collapsed to view. Clauses with only a single occurrence of modified content will not be grouped.
  • Doc Field loading time was improved.

Messaging EnhancementLink to Messaging Enhancement

We updated the display time for messaging within the application. Informational and success messages now display for four seconds, and error messages display for eight seconds. You can click X to close the message at any time. 

Date Field EnhancementLink to Date Field Enhancement

The following fields were update to display date instead of both date and time:

  • Contract Start Date
  • End Date
  • Retention Date
  • Activated Date
  • Termination Date
  • Executed Date
  • AmendmentEffectiveDate
  • InternalRenewalStartDate
  • TerminationNoticeIssueDate

Regenerate with Redlines for Salesforce Users EnhancementLink to Regenerate with Redlines for Salesforce Users Enhancement

X-Author for Contracts Salesforce users on the Conga Platform can now use the Regenerate with Redlines options without temporary files displaying in Notes & Attachments section of an Agreement record in Salesforce. 

Scrollbar Enhancement

We added scrollbars for all Contract and Template components except for dialogs. 

Mark for Removal Enhancement 

When you select the Mark for Removal option from Doc Fields or Doc Clauses, the strikethrough text now only displays in the pane and not in the agreement document. 

Validate Doc Fields Enhancement 

When you validate your doc fields, all invalid fields now display at once instead of one at a time. 

Doc Field Performance Enhancement

We completed performance updates for faster Doc Field loading time. 

Additional Date Format Options

Additional supported date format options were added to the following locales: English US, English Canada, English UK Ireland, Chinese, Croatian, German, Greek Greece, Hungarian, Italian, Bulgarian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, and Thai. 

Insights Enhancements

  • When a contract is checked-in to X-Author for Contracts Advanced, the contract summary generated with Conga Conga Intelligence is saved into the agreement record. This contract summary displays under the Insights tab when reviewing a contract. 
  • The Guidance heading was renamed Mitigation Guidance in the Details section of the Insights tab. 

Alternate Clause Enhancement

X-Author for Contracts Advanced Salesforce users on the Conga Platform now have the ability to view a list of alternate clauses to swap and replace a standard clause in the Doc Clauses tab. 

Duplicate Email Address Error Enhancement

  • We updated the error message you receive if add two contacts with the same email address ID while initiating an Office 365 or simple review. Instead of an error code, the new message states that duplicate email addresses were found and then lists the exact email addresses.
  • Review cycles are no longer created with an immediate Failed status if there is an error. 

Migration Manager API

The following new APIs are available for X-Author for Contracts in the Conga Developer Portal:

  • Export a Template
  • Import a Template

Action Permissions

Action Permissions are now available on X-Author for for Contracts on Conga Platform.