New Features

The following feature is new to OCC in this release.

Supporting Internationalization 

OCC now supports internationalization (the translation of data to multiple languages). This allows you to view and use OCC in your preferred language. To view and use OCC UI in your preferred language, you need to configure locale-related settings in the UI. For more information, see Configuring OCC User Interface for Internationalization.


The following enhancements are new to OCC in this release.

Viewing Complete Guidance Message for a Clause

You can now expand and view the entire guidance message when it is too long to fit into the original clause panel. You can click the View More link at the bottom of the guidance message to expand it. For more information, see Viewing Complete Guidance Message for a Clause.

Insert Option Not Available for Duplicate Clauses

OCC now does not allow you to insert duplicate clauses into the document from the clause library. When you try to insert a clause that is already present in the document, OCC displays an “In Use” label for such clauses with a view option only. For more information, see Working with Clause Library.