New Features and Enhancements

Contract Intelligence for CLM Integration

Contract Intelligence for CLM is now an available integration for Conga Contracts.

Flow Enhancements 

The new Contract Profile user interface is now available for beta testing in sandbox accounts only by request. If you'd like to enable the new Contract Profile in your sandbox, contact your Customer Success Manager. This is a beta preview and does not yet contain all the features and functionalities of the current interface. 

  • You can now view Parallel and Non-Parallel steps for a Flow under Actions
  • When a Flow is triggered on a Contract Profile, the system now checks for Flow Restrictions and Step Configurations on the contract flow template. 

Conga Sign eSignature Package Expiration Days

You now have the option to configure specific Expiration Days, which are set similarly to Reminder Days, for your Conga Sign eSignature packages in System Settings. 

New Contract Profile eSignature Package Creation Wizard

The new Contract Profile user interface is now available for beta testing in sandbox accounts only by request. If you'd like to enable the new Contract Profile in your sandbox, contact your Customer Success Manager. This is a beta preview and does not yet contain all the features and functionalities of the current interface. 

  • An eSignature Package creation wizard is now available under Wizard Tools on the new Contract Profile user interface. 

Disconnect from Platform Button 

There is now an option to disconnect from the platform in the Conga Suite System Settings. 

New Contract Profile UI Flow Enhancements

The new Contract Profile user interface is now available for beta testing in sandbox accounts only by request. If you'd like to enable the new Contract Profile in your sandbox, contact your Customer Success Manager. This is a beta preview and does not yet contain all the features and functionalities of the current interface. 

  • Under a Flow step's actions, you can view the step name, assigned person name, and assigned date. 
  • There is a blue checkmark indicating completed flow steps. 

New Contract Profile Beta Document Package Wizard

The new Contract Profile user interface is now available for beta testing in sandbox accounts only by request. If you'd like to enable the new Contract Profile in your sandbox, contact your Customer Success Manager. This is a beta preview and does not yet contain all the features and functionalities of the current interface. 

  • The Document Package Wizard is now available under Wizard Tools in the new Contract Profile Beta. 

DocuSign Certificate of Completion Enhancement 

When a DocuSign eSignature package is completed, a Certificate of Completion document is generated with a record of who, when, and what was signed for the package. 

New Contract Profile Beta Flow Notes Enhancement

Click on the blue note icon to the right of a Flow action to view the Notes popup window. In the Notes popup window, you can Add Notes or View Notes

New Contract Profile Beta Flow Restrictions Enhancement

The system now checks for Flow Restrictions on a contract flow template when a flow is triggered on a Contract Profile. 

Improved Navigation Experience 

This improvement is for the new Contract Profile user interface that is available for beta testing in sandbox accounts only by request. If you'd like to enable the new Contract Profile in your sandbox, contact your Customer Success Manager. This is a beta preview and does not yet contain all the features and functionalities of the current interface.

Navigation improvements for the new Contract Profile user interface beta include the following:

  • The top header, links panel, and the right panel in the Contract Profile now remain frozen on the screen as you scroll through contract details.