New Features

The following features are new to Intelligent Workflow Approvals in this release.

Support for Grouping Multiple Documents Across Multiple Agreement Records

With this feature, you can choose attachments for child object records (Out-Of-The-Box or a custom object) when sending for approval. For example: Consider a custom object as a parent object and Agreement as the child object. When you submit for approval, the attachments from the child object (in this example, Agreement) is also included for approval. This feature is based on the new custom setting IncludeChildObjAttachmentsForSubmit__c introduced in ApprovalsCustomConfig custom setting.

New Submit for Approvals With Comments API

The Submit for Approvals with Comments API passes submission comments in a JSON structure instead of the SubmissionComment structure.

New Enhancements

The following section describes existing feature that is changed (or are no longer supported) in this release.

Character Limit Increased for Approval Search Filters

The search filter field size is increased from 4000 characters to 16000 characters.

Character Limit Increased for Step Auto Reapproval Criteria

The Step Auto Reapproval Criteria field size is increased from 8000 characters to 32000 characters.

Scalability Improvements

This release includes several enhancements to improve product performance and scalability. These include:

  • Ability to preview and submit approvals for complex processes without SOQL, CPU timeout, or heap size errors.
  • Ability to view a large number of requests in the my approvals page without view state errors.
  • Support for submitting processes with large numbers of auto approve and notify only requests without errors.
  • Ability to approve and reject multiple requests for complex processes.