New Features

Following are the new features introduced in this release:

Integrate CLM with Conga Contract Intelligence

Conga Contract Intelligence is an artificial intelligence tool that extracts unstructured text from agreements and organizes it into structured data. You can obtain a Conga Contract Intelligence license from Conga and integrate it with CLM to import documents and process them. First, you must configure CLM to support the integration and then configure Contract Intelligence for CLM. After you integrate CLM with Conga Contracts Intelligence, you can import, extract, review, and approve documents. 

Send an Agreement Document for Collaborative Review using Office 365 Review

You can send the agreement documents to Office 365 for collaborative review in Salesforce Lightning mode. In Office 365, you can collaboratively edit and review an agreement document with all the team members and view live changes. A review cycle is created when you send an agreement document in DOCX format for Office 365 review. All the documents opened using Office 365 have Insert Comments and Track Changes protection mode.

You can send agreement documents to both stakeholders within and outside your organization for review separately. You can create one review cycle for internal stakeholders and one for external stakeholders. On the review cycle page, you can differentiate the internal and external stakeholders' reviews with the tags (O365 Internal Review or O365 External Review). 


Following are the enhancements introduced in this release:

Changes to Agreement Name

From May '22 release, you must not use special characters (< , > , \\ , /) in the agreement name to avoid errors while creating a new agreement. If you have any existing agreements with special characters (< , > , \\ , /), you must remove the special characters (< , > , \\ , /) when you amend, renew, or update the agreement to avoid errors.

Updates to Review Cycle Page

When you send documents for review using different review tools, you can see all review cycles of documents on the review cycle page with corresponding tags (Parallel Review or MS Teams or O365 Internal Review or O365 External Review). 

Moved Review Buttons on the MS Teams Review Cycle Page

You can see the End review, Cancel Review, and Add Reviewers buttons on the header of the page. 

Introduced the APTS_TranslatePickValuesInDocs Admin Entry

When an administrator sets the APTS_TranslatePickValuesInDocs admin entry to true, the picklist field value gets added in the generated document. If a conditional segment is set, the condition takes both API and picklist values. You can either use API names or Values but not both.

When an administrator sets the APTS_TranslatePickValuesInDocs admin entry to false or does not add the admin entry, the API Name of the picklist gets added in the generated document by default.

Unsubscribe from Parallel Review Emails

When the value of the APTS_SuppressAutoReviewEmails admin entry is true, users will be unsubscribed from parallel review emails (review completion, review error, and review cycle completion). 

Apply Version Number to Merged Document

When the value of the APTS_AppendVersionNumberToMergedDocs admin entry is true and the Enable Document Versioning and Enable Version Control Comply System Properties are enabled, the name of the merged documents will be suffixed with a version number. 

Retain Existing Header and Footer or Add Custom Header and Footer in the Merged Document

When you merge documents, you can select Retain Header and Footer to retain the header footer of the original document in the merged documents. You can select Custom Header and Footer to see Header and Footer fields and add a custom header and footer. 

Remove Page Breaks Between Merged Documents

When the APTS_KeepSectionBreaks admin entry is set to false, page breaks are not added between merged documents.