New Features 

The following features are new to Conga Orchestrate in this release.

Sort Order Support for Clause Step Type

You can now create managed Clause steps with a sort order. This enables you to order clauses as they should be displayed in the generated document. 

Creating a Record on a Step From the Definitions Page

You can now quickly execute a Definition by creating a record and set required fields for a criteria from the Definitions page. This enables you to validate the conditions you set, whether they are working as expected. 

Checking CFS Integration Health

Conga Orchestrate checks the integration health for a Definition that has Clause, Clause Bundles, or Managed Clause steps. It checks that the process instance field exists or the right fields exist on the Managed Clause object to make it a step object, field mappings on Managed Clause are in place, a trigger exists, and field permissions on Managed Clause are set to make sure the Managed Clause steps function correctly. If any of these are incorrectly configured, the system displays warning messages on the Definition and Step page. 


The following section describes the existing features that are changed (or are no longer supported) in this release.

Customizing the Color Coding on the Process Visual

You can now customize the color coding on the process visual from the Conga Orchestrate Setup. This enhancement enables you to choose colors for the keys as desired or quickly revert to the default colors. There are three default keys from the Definition Visual on the Definition page. The key indicates what colors you can set on the settings page. Additional four keys are available on an actual process object. For example, create a Business Process that matches a Definition. From the record page, clicking the Process Visual button displays the additional four keys along with the default three.

You can modify the colors of all the seven keys (three default and four additional).