New Features

There are no new features to Conga CLM in this release.


The following enhancements are new to Conga CLM in this release.

Salesforce Permission Sets Support

As administrator, you can associate Permission Sets or Profile with CLM Lite user. The "CLM Lite Profile(s)" Comply system property is renamed to "CLM Lite Profile(s)/PermissionSets".

Restricting Imported File Formats

As administrator, you can configure the APTS_RestrictDocumentFileFormat admin entry to prevent users from importing specific file formats into CLM.

For more information, see Admin Entries and Importing an Offline Document.

Defining a Naming Convention for Supporting Documents

As administrator, you can configure the APTS_GenerateSupportingDocumentName admin entry to define a naming convention for the documents generated under the "Generate Supporting Documents" section for agreements.

For more information, see Admin Entries.

Defining the Default Reviewers

As administrator, you can configure a list of reviewers that should be added to the To field by default, while sending documents for review. Separate admin entries are available for different review types, i.e. simple review, parallel review, mixed review or O365 review.

For more information, see Admin Entries.

Defining the Default Signatories

As administrator, you can configure a list of signatories that should be added to the To field by default, while sending documents for wet signature. 

For more information, see Admin Entries.