Following is the new feature introduced in this release:
Manage Templates (Salesforce BETA)
Connect to Apttus CLM and check out agreement document templates. You can take the following actions on agreement templates:
Creating Templates: A template is the standard frame or blueprint of an agreement or clause. The template document can be used to create new agreements or new clauses. X-Author Contracts has feature for creating templates, which can later be used for creating an agreement, a clause or a supporting document can be used to create new agreements or new clauses.
Checking out Templates: You can check out agreement templates from CLM and make changes to it.
Checking in Templates: You can check in agreement templates to CLM to create new templates or update the existing one.
Inserting Clauses into a Template: X-Author Contracts lets you create reusable blocks of modular text- called clauses, that can be used across multiple agreements. After creation, clauses can be inserted in the agreement template from the Playbook and conditional logic can be used to control how they are inserted in the agreement. Clauses can be simple or "smart." If a clause needs to be left open for editing during negotiation, then you can mark it as "smart." Smart clauses can be edited by both the parties involved in the negotiation and can be reconciled.
Inserting Fields into a Template: Using Insert Fields you can insert "merge fields" into your template. Merge fields represent the contractual terms and metadata from your Agreement record in Apttus CLM that make it into the generated contract document. As a template administrator, you can build your template to include fields, either as static text or as content-control bounded "smart" fields that can be changed and reconciled to the Agreement record during the negotiation process.