Apttus Digital Commerce

Digital Commece Summer 2018 is the first release on the Saleforce platform. Apttus Digital Commerce empowers enterprises to quickly evolve and scale global Omni-Channel selling strategies. Apttus Digital Commerce provides enterprises with the agility, speed and scale to create unique, valuable customer experiences that drive greater brand consistency and revenue. From streamlining and simplifying complex selling scenarios involving Configure Price Quote to Partner Commerce, Apttus Digital Commerce scales across diverse selling strategies quickly.

Functional Capability Summary

Feature CategoryFunctional Capabilities
Landing PageCategory Navigation
Header Navigation
Product Cohorts (Highlighted Products)
Jumbotron (Banner Images)
Product / ServicesOne time Standalone products
One time Bundle products (Single level bundles)
Purchase of Standalone Subscription Products/Services
CatalogList View
Grid View
Category Filtering (Faceted Filtering)
Price Filtering
Product search with typeahead
Quantity Selection
Guest user browsing
Add to Cart / Configuration
Breadcrumbs (Category drilldown)
Product DetailsProduct Images
Product Description
Product Specs
Marketing Collateral Attachments
Product recommendations
PricingLimited support for Client-Side Price Calculation
  • Simple Pricing
  • Matrix based pricing (Product Attributes / Dimensions)
  • Price Rulesets
ConfigurationConfigure Single Level Bundles
View Selected Configuration
Edit Configuration
View & Select Options
Option Based Pricing
View and Select Attributes at top level bundle
Constraint RulesFor Standalone and Top level bundle
  • Inclusion Rules
  • Exclusion Rules
  • Recommendation Rules
Mini CartView Selections
Delete cart items
Change Quantity
CartView selections
Change quantity
Change Start date and End date for Subscription product
Delete items
Navigation to Product Details
Price summary / Totals
Update Price
View Configuration details
Order HistoryList of past orders (Status / Total)
Order details (Summary + items + Configuration summary)
Order and order line status
CheckoutGuest user checkout
Registered user checkout
Screens for Payment method capture
Shipping / Billing Address
Invoice me later / PO number
Submit Order
Item details with Configuration/Pricing
Item summary
Account ManagementView account details
View user information
Change Password
Account Locations / Address Management
Manage Carts / WishlistsMultiple in-progress carts
Identify Primary Cart
Make changes to any existing cart
GlobalizationCurrency Conversion
Number Formatting

List Of Client Services

Feature Category (Module)ServicesDesctiption
CartModuleCartServiceA Cart contains the product and custom cart items that a user may wish to purchase.

CatalogModuleCategoryServiceCategories allow you to organize your Products into hierarchical groups. That means these groups can also contain other Categories, which can then be viewed in a tree structure. All categories returned from this service are translated based on the user's locale.

ProductAttributeRuleServiceProduct attribute rules are a powerful feature that add a level of dynamic configuration to products a given set of product attributes.

ProductAttributeServiceProduct attributes represent a characteristic of a product that can have different values. I.e. colors of a given product.

ProductOptionGroupServiceProduct option groups are a way of grouping the individual options for a product.

ProductOptionServiceProduct options are individual products that users can select from when configuring a bundle.

ProductServiceProducts are the core resource to any Apttus project. They can be associated by category, collection, brands and more.

SearchServiceThe search service is a way to find products and aggregate information within the catalog.

ConstraintsModuleConstraintRuleConditionServiceConstraint rules are powerful when configuring products. They allow you to include, excludes, recommend, validate and replace products based on business logic.

ConstraintRuleServiceConstraint rules are powerful when configuring products. They allow you to include, excludes, recommend, validate and replace products based on business logic.

CrmModuleAccountLocationServiceThe Address-Location service allows you to organize account addresses. Addresses are a sub-resource of an Account. An account may have multiple addresses.

AccountServiceThe account service provides methods for interacting with the accounts the user has access to.

ContactServiceThe contact service provides methods for interacting with the contacts the current user has access to.

EmailServiceThe email service provides methods for sending email communications.

UserServiceThe user service is the primary service for user interactions. This includes updating the user record, login/logoff, and more.

DocGenModuleTemplateServiceA template service provides methods for the proposal and agreement templates within Apttus. Use this to retrieve template records.

OrderModuleOrderServiceThe order object represents an order in Apttus. Only orders where the current user is the owner will be returned by this service.

QuoteServiceThe quote represents a price breakdown for a given product configuration. Quotes are generally associated with an approval process and can be converted to a cart or an order.

PricingModuleConversionServiceThe conversion service is responsible for pulling conversion rates from your Salesforce instance.
Remember to set the enableMultiCurrency in your salesforce.config.ts file to true.

PriceListItemServiceThe price list items map a product to a specific price list. They provide the base price for any product in your catalog.

PriceListServicePrice lists are the core object for defining the catalog seen by the end user. Categories, products and pricing are all derived from the selected price list.

PriceMatrixServicePrice matrixes are used to map various product facets to a price adjustment. For example, there may be matrixes for attributes or quantities that adjust the base price. Use this service to retrieve the data for those matrixes.

PriceRuleServiceStubbed service for Apttus price rules. Currently has no supporting methods.

PriceServiceClient-side pricing engine for retrieving price for various points in the ecommerce application. NOTE: It is not guarunteed that this service will always return accurate pricing for a given cart. You should always call cartService.priceCart(...) to trigger the server-side pricing engine to get the final price of a given cart. There are also pipes provided that wrap this service to provide pricing within a template i.e. ProductPricePipe, OrderPricePipe, CartPricePipe and more.

StoreModuleStorefrontServiceThe storefront record is the backbone to the customer experience. It drives catalog, pricing and interface.