New Features

Following are the new features introduced in this release:

Template Localization 

You can define locale settings at the agreement template, clause, or field level. 

  • At the template or clause level:

    • You can specify the Locale and choose the Currency Format, Date Format, and configure Number and Currency Precision for the whole template when you create or clone a template or clause. 

    • You can also change the locale of a template or clause at check-in. 

  • At the template or clause field level:

    • You can use the Template Fields tab to define locale for Number, Currency, Date, and Precision fields. 

    • You can also use the Template Fields tab to define Currency Format, Date Format, Currency Precision, and Number Precision for fields.
  • The template or clause field level locale settings take precedence over template or clause level locale settings in the generated document.

Custom Locale in Templates

You can configure custom locales in Contract Management and then use the custom locales while creating templates in X-Author Contracts for Cloud.

Customize Save Options

You can view With Redlines, Without Redlines, and Final - to be signed save options according to the custom permissions available for your profile. 

Send Offline Agreements for Parallel Review

You can send the offline agreements (created or imported) for review when the Parallel review comply system property is enabled.

Track Document Review Status

You can track the status of the documents in the review that require your attention and response. When the parallel review is enabled for your org, you can view the reviewer details and the current review status of an agreement document.


Following are the enhancements introduced in this release:

Ability to Search Fields in Insert Field Popup 

You can use field names to search fields while inserting fields in the Insert Field popup.

Clause Action in Agreement Related List

If you insert an inline clause as text, you can view the clause entry in the Contract Management Agreement Clause related list with action as InsertedAsText. If you insert an inline clause as text inside a smart clause, you can view the clause entry in the Contract Management Agreement Clause related list with action as Modified.

UI Enhancements

New and improved login user interface. After you Insert > My Add-ins > Apttus XAuthor, you need to launch X-Author Contracts for Cloud.

Updates to Clause 

The Action column in agreement clauses section is not updated on checking in and checking out a document.

ReleaseUser Action in X-Author Contracts for CloudAgreement Clauses - Action entry in Contract Management
Prior to Winter 2019Check-out a documentOriginal
Check-in a document as FinalFinal
Winter 2019Check-out a documentNA
Check-in a document as FinalNA