New Features

Cycle Time Reporting

With Cycle Time Reporting for Contracts for Salesforce, legal operations teams can track the time it takes for users to complete tasks from start to finish through their Contract Lifecycle Management process


Automatic Configurator Update

The Automatic Configurator was updated to add a lookup from a Contract Responsibility to an Agreement object.

Footers in View Redlines

You can now enable footers in View Redlines and when selecting Save PDF in View Redlines.

Clause Guidance in View Redlines

You can add a Guidance section to your clauses for users to view during the view redlines process. The Guidance section contains a description and other important information about the clause to help users decide which clause to select.

Contract Collaborators Object

For an improved user experience, Contracts for Salesforce is introducing the new Contract Collaborators object. Contract Collaborators is now added when you use the Automatic Configurator and available in related lists for Contract Agreements instead of the Contract Responsibilities object. 

Enable Set Document Type

A custom setting was added to allow you to re-enable the Set Document Type legacy feature