New Features

The following features are new to X-Author for Contracts in this release.

Protect and Unprotect Document

Using this feature, you can protect and unprotect an agreement document without entering the password. For more information, see Locking and Unlocking Documents

Replace an Alternate Clause with another Alternate Clause

Using this feature, you can view the list of alternate clauses available for an alternate clause and swap it. For more information, see Viewing and Replacing Alternate Clauses.

Checking In Document using Update Current Version Option

Using this feature, you can save changes to a document without creating a new version of it. For more information, see Checking in an Agreement Document.

Inserting Dynamic Segments

Using this feature you can use Dynamic Segments in your X-Author for Contracts templates to dynamically populate agreement documents with the content of clause templates and attachments based on Document Assembly Rulesets (DAR) defined in the connected Org. For more information, see Inserting Dynamic Segments.


The following enhancements are new to X-Author for Contracts in this release.

Ability to disable Auto Check Out option

This feature allows you to change the permission settings for any particular user profile. This permission setting disables the auto check out option (i.e., the agreement document will not open in a new instance) for the user when they perform the following actions:

  • Create offline document
  • check in offline document
  • Send document for review
  • Compare and merge document
  • Regenerate/regenerate with redlines

For more information on how to disable the auto check out option, see Assigning Custom Permissions to User Profiles

Format Date Fields for Non-Localized Templates

This feature allows you to apply different formats for the date fields that are present in the non-localized template. For more information, see Formatting Date Fields For Non-Localized Template

Creating Nested Clauses

This feature allows you create a clause inside of another clause, and use the nested clause to generate an agreement document. For more information, see Working with Nested Clauses.

Creating Nested Segments

This feature allows you to mark a segment inside of an existing segment. For more information, see Setting Segments in Templates.

Inserting Clause with Formatting

This feature allows you to insert a clause and retain its original formatting. For more information, see Using Clause Library for Template

Viewing Complete Agreement Name

This feature allows you to view the complete agreement name by expanding the X-Author for Contracts window. For more information, see Opening an Agreement Document.

Viewing Complete Clause Name

This feature allows you to view the complete clause name by expanding the X-Author for Contracts window. For more information, see Using Clause Library

Deleting Inserted Clause

This feature allows you to delete the smart clauses that you have inserted in the document before the final check in. For more information, see Inserting and Deleting Clauses.

Changed Button Names for Setting Template Segments

The following button names have been changed in the Setting Segments pane:

  • New Segment to Conditional
  • Set Style to Style
  • Insert Dynamic Segment to Dynamic.

Added a Filter to view both All Fields and Modified Fields

This feature allows you to use a drop-down menu that can help you to refine your search according to All Fields Type or Modified Fields. For more information, see Doc Fields

Added a Filter to view both All Clauses and Modified Clauses

This feature allows you to use a drop-down menu that can help you to refine your search according to All Clauses Type or Modified Clauses. For more information, see Doc Clauses.

Remarking Extracted Clauses after Intelligent Discovery

After extracting data using Intelligent Discovery, you can use this feature to remark any incorrectly marked clauses. For more information, see Reviewing Doc Clauses.

Remarking Extracted Clauses after Contract Intelligence for CLM

After extracting data using Contract Intelligence for CLM, you can use this feature to remark any incorrectly marked clauses. For more information, see Reviewing Doc Clauses After Agreement Data Extraction.