Following are the new features introduced in this release:
Invoice Balance
The Invoice Overview page now includes a Payments Overview tab using which you can view a graphic comparison of the number of paid and unpaid invoices for an account.
Equal to modifier added to suppress invoices option
The 'equal to' modifier to suppress invoices. The Processing options section on the Invoice Run Detail page page now includes the 'equal to' function so you can define an absolute invoice amount for which you want to suppress when you process an Invoice Run. For example, to exclude invoices of zero dollar value from the Invoice Run, you must define the Suppress Invoice parameter with the equal to function and set the value to 0.
Invoice Payment Status
The Related AR Transactions Web Service now automatically updates the status of the invoice on the Invoice Detail page. The status of the invoice by default is Unpaid when you generate it. After the Related AR Transactions Web Service processes a payment, depending on the amount your customers have paid, the status changes to Paid or Partially paid.
Updated Rounding for Currency Decimal Places (Multicurrency Scale)
Scale is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in a number. For example, the number 123.45 has a precision of 5 and a scale of 2. You must define the scale differently for different currencies. While the U.S and Canadian Dollar must have a scale of 2, the Bahrain Dinar has a scale of 3 and the Russian Ruble has a scale of 4. In a multicurrency org the scale can be hard set for a specific currency that will override the default schema settings. The System has been updated to round the fee amount for billing schedules correctly based on the scale set to the specific currency. For non-multicurrency orgs there is a new Custom Setting called Currency Decimal Places. Through this setting you can define the currency scale org wide. All billing schedules will round using the scale defined in the Currency Decimal Places setting. If the setting is below the current schema then zeros will appear for the extra schema places.