Following are the new features introduced in this release:
Revised Tax Callback
For implementing the Tax callback interface, you can pass the parent Invoice or Credit Memo object in the Handback field of a Tax Input. Following are the two new APIs that can be used for recalculating taxes:
updateInvoiceTaxCalculationsAndBreakups (Set<ID> InvoiceIds, BooleanautoTransitionFromPendingApprovedToApproved) To recalculate taxes for a given Invoice with a status of 'Draft' or 'Pending Approved'.
updateCreditMemoTaxCalculationsAndBreakups (Set<ID> CreditMemoIds, BooleanautoTransitionFromPendingApprovedToApproved) To recalculate taxes for a given Credit Memo with a status of 'Draft' or 'Pending Approved'.
A/R Transaction Update
A related A/R transaction is created only when the Invoice or Credit Memo status is 'Approved'.