New Feature

The following feature is new in this release. 

Opening Agreement or Template Record in Salesforce From X-Author Contracts

With this release, you can open the Salesforce record of an active Template or Agreement document from within X-Author Contracts.
When you have an Agreement document or Template open in X-Author Contracts, a new button is now displayed called, Open in Salesforce. The Open in Salesforce button enables you to view the corresponding Agreement document or Template in your Salesforce org.


The following section describes existing features that are changed (or are no longer supported) in this release.

Dynamic Document Assembly Enhancements

Cloned Clause Template UUID Identification
The cloning of Dynamic Assembly Rules includes the cloning of the Component Types and the associated Clause Templates assigned to the Contract Types.
Separately, within X-Author Contracts, this template cloning identifies the new template created from the original template using two fields, which are always updated on the original template and containing the ids of the new template. In this way, if a clause template has been cloned using X-Author Contracts, it is also an assigned template for a cloned component type within a cloned rule, the customer can determine if and which new template is to be used in the new rule's component type.