New Features

The following features are new to Intelligent Workflow Approvals in this release.

Configuring Advanced Approvals for Agreement and related Objects

From the August 2015 release onward, Intelligent Workflow Approvals supports the Approvals and My Approvals pages out of the box for any object. With minimal configuration, you can set up both of these pages for any object and its child objects on which approvals is configured. This new capability overcomes the need for creating custom Visualforce pages and Controllers for enabling approvals on any object, thus significantly simplifying the approval setup on any object and its related child objects. Although these pages are now available out of the box, you have to configure Approval Required Check. You can get the Approval Required Check with the main Approvals Management package. For example, if you want to configure Approvals on Agreement object and its related objects, you need to create a record for each of the objects in the Approvals Custom Config.

Consolidation Behavior of Approval Requests

Introduced with August 2015 Patch 2 (7.361.6) released in December 2015 the consolidation feature is available for Approval Requests and Notifications both. This is useful when a single user is a part of multiple approval requests from a given approval process. For example, Sam has the following responsibilities:

  • Sam is a Senior Finance Manager
  • He is a part of Deal Desk queue
  • He is a part of Legal Review Team queue
  • He plays a role of Senior Legal Analyst

For a given Quote/Agreement, Sam has to perform the following:

  • Approve the payment terms.
  • As a Senior Finance Manager, oversee the discount provided.
  • As a Senior Legal Analyst, approve renewal of a legal contract, being a part of the Legal queue.

In such cases, when there are multiple approval requests being assigned to a single user, Consolidated Approvals and Notifications is useful. When implemented, the approver does not receive multiple emails, but a single email consolidating all the approval requests for a particular type. The type can be User, Queue, Role, Related User, Custom User, and more. For more information on this feature, see the Apttus Release Notes for Intelligent Workflow Approvals.