New Features

Following are the new features introduced in this release:

REST APIs for Document Analysis and Config Discovery Management

Conga Max introduces the following APIs in this Release: 

  • Config Discovery and Management: You can use Config Discovery and Management APIs to register the provider information. 
  • Document Analysis: You can use Document Analysis APIs to perform text analysis of large documents and extract the required information. 
  • Document: You can use Document APIs to convert documents from one format to another, extract certain parts from them, and prepare reports. 

Support for Queries with NOT Operator

Max now supports queries containing NOT operators for searching documents.  


Following is the new enhancement introduced in this release:

Suppressed Event Notification Triggers for Irrevelant Changes

Event Notifications are now triggered only when there are relevant changes to the object. For example, if there is a change in the agreement name, a notification is not triggered.