New Features

Following are the new features introduced in this release:

Create NDA on Apttus Omni

Max facilitates smart conversations that a sales team can use to generate NDAs more easily and quickly. Creating NDA through Apttus Omni requires no additional configuration.

Typing Indicator

To provide a natural conversational experience, Max shows a typing indicator to show that it is working on providing a response.

Enhancement to Hands-Free Voice functionality - BETA

Max leverages IBM Watson to understand spoken language and responds back. Along with the typed-out message, the conversations with Max are enhanced to provide more information through the spoken response.

Max Proactive Notifications - BETA

Max reaches out to users proactively to help them prepare for meetings and to take actions after the meeting. Max on Apttus Omni uses salesforce notification to pop-up reminders for meetings or tasks in the Max conversation window. Max allows users to act on the reminder messages from the Max conversation window.

Max Embedded in Salesforce Lightning and Salesforce Mobile App

Along with Salesforce Classic UI, you can now embed max within Salesforce Lightning UI and Salesforce Mobile App. Sales representatives can leverage this functionality to create NDAs easily and quickly.