New Features

Following are the new features introduced in this release:

Getting Started Video Cards

To provide a seamless experience for first-time users, Max displays instructional video cards proactively that play short tutorials on how to work with Max.

Updating Quotes

Using conversational inputs, you can now ask Max to update header fields, Quantity, and Discount price fields of the Quote.

Opportunity Flow

Max on Apttus Omni introduces the Opportunity conversational flow, using which you can lookup for an opportunity or fields, view more details about the opportunity, and update it.

Explain Yourself

You can now ask Max to explain how it understands your conversational inputs and processes your query. Explain Yourself feature is the user-friendly replacement of the Verbose Mode feature.

New Enhancement

Following is the enhancement introduced in this release:

Recently Modified Records for Generic Lookup Queries

If your search query is too generic or if Max can not find a suitable opportunity or an agreement record, Max now returns the 20 most recently modified opportunities or agreements.