New Features

The following features are new to CPQ in this release.

Cart Grid UI Enhancements

Showing Subtotals and Totals Sections on the Cart

The Cart Grid UI shows the sub totals and totals sections at the bottom of the cart page based on a new custom setting called Enable Contextual Totals. You can find this setting under Config System Properties page. The custom setting Hide Subtotals In Cart does not work when the custom setting Enable Contextual Totals is enabled.

Ordering Favorite Category on the Cart

You can set your favorite category to be displayed first when you have multiple offerings, using a custom setting Show Favorite as First Category. You can find this setting under Config Select Products Settings Detail page.

Displaying Revalidation Messages for Cart Grid UI and Angular UI

When a price list item for the bundle or options is revalidated, the system warns you with the message that some items may get changed upon revalidation.
A system displays the following revalidation messages based on the business scenarios.
For example,

  • When an optional product is removed from a bundle, the system shows the message:

"Product Structure for the following product(s) has changed. Do you want to revalidate the product(s)?"

  • When a line item is expired, the system shows the message:

"The following line items have invalid price list items. During revalidation, some items in the cart may change or be removed."

  • When a version is changed in the quote, the system shows the message:

"Some items in the cart may have changed. Please revalidate the cart."

Setting Custom View as Default

You can choose one of your custom views to set as default, which then overrides the administrator view. If you do not set the custom view as "Default", then the administrator view becomes the default. The system retains and displays the custom view next time you log in.

Providing an Indicator for Line Item Approval

If you make updates to a quote/proposal, the system displays an indicator Approval Required for the line item on the cart page.

Reordering Primary Lines on the Cart

You can drag and drop the primary line items on the cart using the hand icon that helps you sort the products.

Improved Configuration UI page

  • Introducing Hide/Show Option group toggle button to switch to view option and option groups or just the selected options. Only selected options are displayed in the Summary.
  • Supporting extremely large Product Code and Product Description and providing the Show less and Show more button to expand or collapse text.
  • An enhanced spacing between Option Group-Child Option Group and Option Group.
  • Removing repetition of option group while listing the options.
  • Expanded the positioning of extremely long text for Product Code and Product Description.
  • Improved functioning of the Expand All/Collapse All buttons.

New Admin UI Enhancements

Managing Favorite Product Configurations

The New Admin UI displays the Favorites Settings under Application Management. The Favorites Settings helps you manage the favorite product related configurations including the default image, the columns in the favorite dialog, and enabling or disabling the favorite settings using the slider. When you disable this setting, the Save as Favorite option is not displayed on the cart.

Creating Price Dimensions

You can create Price Dimensions in the New Admin UI so that you can use those Price Dimensions on the Price Rules or Price Matrices.

Saved Searches Drop down list in Alphabetical Order

You can see the saved searches drop down list in an alphabetical order. This helps you quickly access your saved searches.

Reordering and Deleting Categories

Under Category Hierarchy on the ASSOCIATED CATEGORY tab, you can rearrange the categories by dragging and dropping and you can delete them by clicking the X Action icon.

Defining Object Summary Fields

For Quote, Product, and Favorites objects, you can define Object Summary fields, which are shown when the user clicks on the link on the catalog such as Product Name or Favorites Name.

Providing Lookup Field Settings

The New Admin UI displays the Lookup Field Settings under Application Management, that lets you manage the name of the record, an object of the lookup field, the field name of the lookup field, columns in the favorite dialog, and filter criteria.

Product Migration Improvements

Migrating Product Rules Configuration during Product Migration

During product migration, you can also migrate the rules configuration that is associated with the product.

Giving External ID field for the products

You can define external id field to align all products to a product master.

Snap Performance for Constraint Rules

Earlier the performance of constraint rules was limited to bundles, inclusion and exclusion rules. Now, the snap performance of constraint rules is introduced for standalone products and validation rules.
You can observe improved performance for inclusion, exclusion, and validation rules for standalone and bundle products. In addition, support has been provided for multi-conditions in constraint rules.
Hence, for almost 90% of constraint rules that you use, they would execute under 10 to 15 milliseconds of response time.

Other Miscellaneous Enhancements

Providing Product ID for Product Filter Callback Action Parameters

The callback action parameters now contain a product ID that fetches the bundle options and performs an availability check on the options.

Improved Design of Send Proposal Flow

The system detects the acceptable file type (For instance, .docx, .doc, .pdf) and displays distinct icon for the file format. Also, when you try to merge a file with an unsupported format or the file size is more than 4 MB, the system alerts you with an error message.

Improved Filtering of Email Templates

The Proposal Document Generation page supports filtering of email templates based on the folders in which they exist. Hence, when you select an email folder, the corresponding email templates in the folder are made available for selection.