New Features

The following features are new to CPQ in this release.

Ability to Split an Asset Line Item

In this release, CPQ enables you to divide an existing asset into multiple split lines to negotiate an upsell quote with customers. On each split line of the asset, you can perform various asset-based actions such as, split and swap, and split and renew.

Ability to Search Options and Attributes on Configuration Page

In this release, CPQ enables you to search for options and attribute on the configuration page. Enter a keyword related to the product in the search box next to the bundle name, and the result is highlighted one by one on the Configuration page. Navigate between the results using Next and Previous button or press Enter.

Ability to Add Products to Existing Collaboration Request

In this release, CPQ enables you to add products to an existing collaboration request using a global method.


The following section describes existing features that are changed (or are no longer supported) in this release.

Ability to Hide Child Cost Types in Price Waterfall

In this release, CPQ enables you to hide a cost category and its children from being displayed on the Analyze Quote page.

Ability to Search a Product by Name or Code (Promotions)

In this release, CPQ enables you to search a product by its name or code while defining the scope of a promotion.

Updated Billing Schedules Post Increment

In this release, CPQ updates the billing schedules for incremented assets.

Ability to Show Original Asset Start Date after Terminating an Asset

In this release, CPQ displays the original start date of the asset on the input gathering screen for termination.

Ability to Replace a Collaborated Product

In this release, CPQ enables collaborator to replace a product for which the collaboration request was initiated. Now, if the collaborator replaces a collaborated product, separate line items for replaced or newly added products are created on the parent and the child carts. The Sales rep is notified of the changes the collaborated submit. Once the Sales rep merges the configuration, the changes are reflected in both the carts.

Automatic Deletion Updates in Collaboration Request

In this release, CPQ automatically updates the child cart after the Sales rep deletes a product from the parent cart.

Revoked the Requirement of Modify All Access Permission

In this release, CPQ gives the administrator the ability to define access permission to enable cancel, delete and abandon actions for a Sales rep on a collaboration request without enabling Modify All access permission. This also controls the impact of the Sales rep actions on the collaboration request. Specifically, the impact of canceling the collaboration request, deleting the collaborated product and abandoning the cart.

Support for Match in Location in CSCR

In this release, CPQ supports location-based matching in Client-Side Constraint Rules. Now, location can be used as a factor when firing rules for products. Also, CPQ associates the location of the condition product with the auto-included product when you use locations to search for products on the Catalog page.

Auto-included Products Saved in Favorite Configuration

In this release, CPQ saves the auto-included products as well along with all the products when you save any configuration as favorite.

Message Display on Bundle Structure Change

In this release, CPQ displays a message to run a Bundle Maintenance Batch Job after you change the bundle structure. Bundle Structure changes include changes in options or option groups.

Changes to Shared Option Group Reflect in Associated Bundle

In this release, CPQ updates all the bundle structures associated with a shared option group automatically when you modify the shared option group.