New Features

The following features are new to CPQ in this release.

Create Quick Quotes

Using the Quick Quote feature, you can directly go to the Catalog page from Opportunity, configure products, and finalize the cart without having to create a proposal in turn reducing the number of clicks. Quick Quote feature is especially meant for creating budgetary quotes where you can begin the quoting process by populating the quote header with limited values. To use this feature you must create a custom button on the Opportunity object.

Create, Update, Split, and Save Related Line Item Using Global Methods

You can now use updateRelatedLineItems, saveRelatedLineItems, and splitRelatedLineItems global methods to create, update, split, and save related line items on the cart.

Create, Update, Split, and Save Related Line Item Using REST API

You can now use Service CPQ REST API to create, update, split, and save related line items on the cart.

Retrieve Asynchronous Apex Job Information

You can now use getBatchJobInfoForContext global methods to retrieve current information apex jobs running asynchronously in the backend for a given business object.


The following section describes existing features that are changed (or are no longer supported) in this release.

Use CSS Override to Hide Line Item Action on Cart

You can now use the CSS Override field to hide the Line Item Actions such as Price Ramp on the Cart page. You can hide line item action globally or for a specific flow.

Configure Service Bundles Directly from Different Pages in Org

You can define a formula action to navigate directly to the Service Configuration page of service bundles from any page in your org. You can define custom formula action to open the Service Configuration page directly to edit an existing service bundle. Using this custom button, the Sales rep can configure a service bundle directly from any page of the org without navigating through Service Catalog and Service Cart pages.

Deep Clone Quote and Agreement Asynchronously

You can deep clone the quote and agreement asynchronously using the Clone (With Line Items) button. You can clone the quote and agreement even when the cart status is Pending Approval, Approval Required, or Ready for Finalize.

Support for Same Day Cancellation with Billing Preference During Asset Termination with Ramp Lines

When you terminate an asset before the end date of the first ramp, CPQ sets the start date as the end date for the rest of future ramp lines. The Same Day Cancellation is now supported to work with Billing Preference as well as Calendar type of selling term calculation methods.

Renew Ramped Assets to Start from the End Date of the Last Ramp Line

CPQ begins the renewal start date based on the end date of the last ramp line. While calculating the renewal start date of a ramped asset line item, CPQ aligns the selling term of all renewal ramp lines with the selling term of ramp lines from the new sale. CPQ calculates the renewal start date based on the asset end date of the last ramp line. CPQ calculates the renewal start date of the second ramp line and subsequent ramp lines based on the end date of the first ramp line and previous ramp lines respectively.

Display Assets from Multiple Accounts on the Installed Products Page

On the Installed Products page, CPQ can display assets from multiple accounts, which are related to an opportunity. Administrators must enable the admin setting APTS_EnableInstallBaseFilteringAcrossAccounts and configure a custom callback class. However, you must use this feature only if you have a business requirement to fetch assets from multiple accounts.

Early Renewal of Ramped Bundle Assets with Options

You can perform an early renewal of a bundle asset that has options and multiple ramps, by changing the bundle start date to a date earlier than current asset end date. CPQ retains the line status of bundle and option lines as Renewed. Earlier, the status of primary ramp line of options was Amended, though the status of subsequent ramp lines of options was Renewed.

Cancelled Asset Options with Ramps Fetch Original Asset Start and End Dates

While renewing a bundle asset with options, if you cancel an option and go to the cart, the cancelled option line items fetch the original asset start and end dates. Earlier, the cancelled option line items would retain the renewal start and end dates.

Pass Cart ID in the URL of Terminate Assets REST API

You must now pass the cart ID in the URL of the Terminate Assets REST API: services/apexrest/Apttus_WebStore/apttus/v1/assets/{cartId}/terminate. Earlier, you could pass the cart ID parameter in the Request body.

Display Additional Fields on the Manage <Service_Option_Name> Pop-Up

You can now control the display of fields on the Manage <Service_Option_Name> pop-up on the Service Config page. You can display the required Asset Line Item object fields on the pop-up using Asset Line Fields For Selected Assets from Field Set Settings. You can display a maximum of 10 fields.

Tooltips on Cart Actions

You can now see tooltips when you hover over the actions available on the Cart page.

Numbered List for Constraint Rules Messages

You can now see a numbered list of warning and error messages displayed on the Cart page if CPQ encounters multiple errors while executing constraint rules.

Support for Progress Tracking for More Async Operation

CPQ now tracks and displays the real-time progress of the following async operation on the Quote Detail and Agreement Details page in addition to the finalize operation.

  • Cloning a quote or agreement
  • Accepting quote to create order
  • Creating an agreement with line items from Split and Enterprise quotes.
  • Activating agreement to create order

Display Push Alerts for Async Operation Progress Tracking

You can now enable Salesforce Push Notification for progress Tracking of the async operation using Enable Notification Feed setting in Config System Properties. These notifications inform you of the progress of async operations when you are not on the quote or agreement details page.

Use the Update Price Button to Calculate Pricing After Updates

You can now use the Update Price button to calculate the price of the bundles on the Configuration page after updating any field. Earlier, you could only use the Update Price button when you enabled deferred pricing. Now, you can use the button regardless of defer pricing. The button is enabled when you change any field and is disabled once the pricing is calculated. This button is available on the Summer Panel on the Configuration page. If not, you can add the button using Display Actions Settings.

Copy Bundle with Manual Changes to Expression Driven Quantity Field

On the Cart page, when you copy a bundle where you modified the quantity of an option that was originally defined by a numeric expression, CPQ now retains the quantity of the option that you modified. Earlier, when you copied such an option, CPQ reverted the quantity back to the value defined by the numeric expression losing the modification you made.