New Features

The following features are new to CPQ in this release.

Cost and Profitability Model (Cost Breakdown)

With Cost and Profitability model, you can break down the product cost into finer costs and create complex cost models displaying the product cost hierarchy. A cost model is the structure of cost elements and sub-elements that help to derive the final product cost. With the help of cost models, you can define both variable and fixed cost elements and achieve dynamic product costing. This will help you set cost margins and get a better idea of product profitability.

Enhancements to Favorite Configurations

  • Deleting a favorite configuration record: You can delete a favorite configuration record while configuring products on the catalog page. Depending on the privacy defined for your favorite configurations, this enhancement displays a delete icon next to each record. As a user, you can view all the public configuration records and can delete only those records for which you are the record creator or owner.
  • Publishing a favorite configuration: You can also publish your favorite configuration record to another Price List by using the share icon next to each record. From the Choose Price Lists dialog box, you must select the price lists to which you want to publish your favorite configuration record. You can also publish a favorite configuration record using the Publish button on your favorite configuration record in Salesforce.
  • Customizing display of favorite configuration records: New config settings are introduced to configure the fields, and add a label and an image for the favorite configuration records on the catalog page.

Enhancements to Quote Collaboration

  • Ability to review the completed Child configuration: The Sales Rep who initiated the collaboration request can review the completed configuration submitted by the collaborator before merging with the parent configuration. A link from that tab will enable the sales rep to view the child cart (completed configuration in read-only mode) and decide whether to merge the configuration or not.
  • Ability to filter and default queues/users based on a chosen logic: An enhancement to lookup filters enables users to create junction objects that connect queues and/or users to a certain location, product group, product family, and so on. This link can be set up for any other field. With this enhancement to the lookup filter, the collaboration pop-up dialog box filters queues and users according to the junction object set up.

Enhancements to the New UI

  • Revalidation Pop-up: You can now configure the product fields those are displayed on the re-validation pop-up. The re-validation pop-up gets displayed on the cart page when you click the Revalidate button. You can configure the fields from All Tabs > Config Settings > System Properties > Miscellaneous Settings > Revalidation Product Columns.
  • A new button for cloning Product Attribute Rules, Clone (With Actions) is introduced. This button clones a Product Attribute Rule along with the information in the Action related list. For details, see Product Attribute Rules.
  • The custom fields defined for Adjustment Line Item object can now be displayed on the cart page.

Enhancements to the Admin Console

Product Group Management
Product Group creation and management is now available in the Admin Console. Users can quickly create and associate product groups to products, and review relevant product group information, such as general details, associated products, and associated rules.
Product Pricing Management
Complex product pricing can be more efficiently managed in the new Admin Console. Functionality includes creating and maintaining Price Lists and Price List items for standard pricing, related pricing, attribute pricing, usage-based pricing, and more complex use cases. Advanced pricing functionality, such as quantity management, charge-type criteria, bundle specific pricing, and selling term management are also included in the Admin Console.
Attribute Value Matrices
The Admin console supports the creation and management of Attribute Value Matrices for enhanced product management. Additionally, users can now edit large matrices within a simplified UI, instead of having to use mass edit/data loader tools.
Numeric Expressions
The Admin console supports numeric expressions with a simplified drag-and-drop interface that allows users to quickly and efficiently create expressions.
Product Clone Improvements
Product Clone functionality now enables users to clone products that have unique, required fields by allowing them to input this information prior to finalizing the product clone. Additionally, Product group associations can also be selected through the clone menu allowing the user to duplicate product group associations for the cloned products.

Enhancements to Smart Search

  • You can now use different product fields beside the Product Name, such as Product Code, Description or any other custom field for the type-ahead in the Search bar on the catalog page.
  • The number of results for type-ahead on the catalog is extended to six. This means you can see up to six choices instead of three while searching a product on the catalog. Note that the type-ahead is case-sensitive.
  • The system now searches for the products in a price list which is based on another price list.

Enhancements to Proposal Document Generation

  • Marking the Proposal status as Presented: A new check box, named Mark Proposal as Presented, has been introduced on the Email dialog box. Selecting this checkbox changes the Quote/Proposal status to Presented. This helps the Sales representative to track the correct status of the Quote/Proposal after the email has been sent using Proposal Document Generation feature.

Enhancements to Pricing Callback

A new method called getLineItemCollsInCurrentBatch() fetches a collection of line item records in the current pricing batch.

Enhancements to Lightning support for CPQ

After enabling Salesforce Lightning experience, users were not able to create and save a quote through opportunity and the quote detail page would continue to process indefinitely. Now when creating a quote through opportunity, users have the same experience as a Non-Lightning flow of Salesforce.

Enhancements to Asset-based Ordering

  • Opportunity-based Renewals: To manage and forecast the renewal revenues, you can leverage opportunity creation for renewals before the quote fulfilment or prior to a certain lead time. The system automates the renewal process by creating a Renewal Opportunity and activating Order, thereby extending the life of an asset due for expiry.
  • Self-service APIs: New APIs are available that support all functionalities from retrieving line items in the cart to asset modification actions (Amend, Change, Terminate, and Swap). With this release, you can also filter assets using any out of the box or custom field available on the Asset Line Item. You can achieve this with the help of an API 'getAssetLineItems,' which retrieves a list of Asset Line Items for a given account.
  • Enhanced search capability: Extending the search capabilities on Installed Products page, the system allows you to perform a search for assets based on a given date range. You can also run a search for assets that are due for expiry within a certain time frame.