The Add template custom action adds a new option under the Batch Add actions menu. The action is set to batch add an Opportunity to the selected accounts. You can modify this action by changing the appropriate variables in the code example (following the code comments). For example, change the following variables to the appropriate values for the Contact object, to batch add a Case to selected accounts:


Then create a field set on the Contact object called FIELDSETBATCHADD with the fields that you want to format upon creation. The required fields need to be included in this field set.

crmc.require(["KendoEntry", "KendoPopup", "ListButton", "sfdc"], function(prompt, popup, navigate, sfdc) { /** * @author CRMCulture * @description Basic batch create example */ /** * "ITEM_ID" Is the ID that uniquely identifies our Action item. * "CONTEXT_OBJECT" Is the context object that your action is based on. * "CREATE_OBJECT" Is the name of the object that you are batch creating and/or updating. * "SINGULAR_NAME" Is the singular label text of CREATE_OBJECT. * "PLURAL_NAME" Is the plural version of the SINGULAR_NAME. */ var ITEM_ID = "Batch_Add_Example"; var CONTEXT_OBJECT = "Account"; var CREATE_OBJECT = "Opportunity"; var SINGULAR_NAME = "Opportunity"; var PLURAL_NAME = "Opportunities"; /** * "FIELD_SET_NAME" Is the name of a field set based on the object that you are creating. This is the template of fields used when creating the modal form window. * "DEFAULT_FORM_VALUES" Is a list of Field Names and values used to populate the modal form fields. Each line item must be in the format of "Field Name": "Value" (include comma if not only or last item). */ var FIELD_SET_NAME = "FIELDSETBATCHADD"; var DEFAULT_FORM_VALUES = { /**Example*/ //Probability: "60", //Amount: "0" } /** Language strings.*/ var TEXT_BATCH_ADD_OBJECT = "Batch Add" + PLURAL_NAME; var TEXT_ERROR = "There was an error: "; var TEXT_MESSAGE = "Added {0} " + PLURAL_NAME + ", would you like to Conga Grid the results?"; var TEXT_BATCH_ADD_RESULTS = "Batch Add Results"; var TEXT_YES = "Yes"; var TEXT_NO = "No"; /** * "SET_CUSTOM_RECORD_VALUES" Is a function that sets the specified values "Under the hood" rather than by a form. Please note that you do not have access to fields that are not currently loaded into the grid. * @row * @record */ var SET_CUSTOM_RECORD_VALUES = function(SELECTED_ROW, NEW_RECORD){ /**Required, set the Primary ID of each row to the Foreign Key relationship.*/ NEW_RECORD.AccountId = SELECTED_ROW.Id; /** Set other default values below.*/ //Example// NEW_RECORD.ContactId = SELECTED_ROW.ContactId; //Example// NEW_RECORD.Comments = SELECTED_ROW.Description; } ////////////////////////////////////// /** * Custom action core code below. */ ////////////////////////////////////// // Define a custom action for batch adding crmc.addCustomAction({ // Uniquely identifies our Action item "itemID": ITEM_ID, // Indicates this item should appear under batch add menu "isBatchAddItem": true, "isAvailable": function (context) { // This function is called before the action item is displayed and returns a boolean if the item should be displayed // By default determine availability based on Feature Security for this action var isEnabled = this.featureSecurity.getSetting(, this.itemID) !== false; // Only allow batch adding from Accounts object for now var isAccessible = == CONTEXT_OBJECT; var multipleSelected = context.selectedRows && context.selectedRows.length > 0; return isAccessible && isEnabled && multipleSelected; }, "getLabel": function (context) { // This function returns the display label of the action item and is calld before the item is shown // Note the use of kendo ui library can be used in any actions return kendo.format(PLURAL_NAME + " ({0}) ", context.selectedRows.length); }, "click": function (context) { var records = []; // Show a prompt that contains the fields in FIELDSETNAME prompt.fieldSetEntry(TEXT_BATCH_ADD_OBJECT, CREATE_OBJECT, FIELD_SET_NAME, DEFAULT_FORM_VALUES, function(values) { var recordIds = []; var onfailure = function(error) { alert(TEXT_ERROR + (error.message || error.faultstring)); }; var onsuccess = function(results){ $.each(results, function(i, row) { if (row.errors) { // Handle first error if any onfailure(row.errors); return; } recordIds.push(; }); if (results.length == recordIds.length) { // Prompt to navigate the user to the results var message = kendo.format(TEXT_MESSAGE, results.length); var buttons = [{ label: TEXT_YES, click: function() { // Navigate to a list of just these recordIds"/apex/CRMC_PP__crmc_grid?object={0}&Ids={1}", CREATE_OBJECT, recordIds.join())); } }, { label: TEXT_NO }]; popup.popupWithButtons(TEXT_BATCH_ADD_RESULTS, message, buttons); } } var process = function(){ sforce.connection.create(records, { onSuccess: onsuccess, onFailure: onfailure }); } // For every selected row. // Set custom values. // Set prompt values. { var record = new sforce.SObject(CREATE_OBJECT); SET_CUSTOM_RECORD_VALUES(row, record); for (var field in values) { record[field] = values[field].value; } records.push(record); }); if(context.selectedRows.length > 200){ sfdc.batchInsert(records, onsuccess) } else { process(); } }); } });});