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Conga Grid Feature Settings
To access Grid Feature Settings:
- Go to Grid Setup
- Click on Global Defaults
- Click on Feature Security
The following feature settings are available:
- Action Column Toggles the Action Column on and off (view and edit links).
- Add Contacts to Emma Group Action to add one or multiple Contacts to Emma Groups (integration).
- Add Record (Inline) Gives the option to add new records inline on a grid. Add Record (New Window) Gives the option to add a record in a new window rather than inline.
- Advanced Copy/Paste - Allows the user to designate which object a lookup should be associated with.
- Batch Add - AG License Action to assign Grid Licenses to one or multiple users at a time.
- Batch Add - Campaign Members Action to quickly add one or multiple Contacts or Leads to Campaigns.
- Batch Add – Chatter Action to send out Chatter messages to one or multiple records at a time.
- Batch Add – Note Action to add Notes to one or multiple records at a time.
- Batch Add - Permission Sets Action to assign permission sets to one or multiple users at a time.
- Batch Add – Product Action to add a Product to one or multiple Opportunities, Orders, or Quotes at a time
- Batch Add - Request Action Action to request field updates on one or multiple records at a time.
- Batch Add – Task Action to create tasks for one or multiple records at a time.
- Batch Clone Action to create Clones of one or multiple records at a time.
- Batch Delete Action to Delete multiple records at a time.
- Campaign Member Loader (Legacy app) Allows users with the legacy Campaign Member Loader app to run it directly from the grid (integration).
- Checkbox Column Toggles the selection checkboxes for a grid.
- Column Settings Toggles the Column Settings for a grid which one can find by right clicking on a column header. Column Settings include setting Label, Default Value, Read Only, and Required attributes for a column on a grid.
- Conditional Formatting Toggles the ability to use Conditional Formatting for a grid.
- Conditional Formatting Legend shows a legend at the bottom of the Grid for each conditional formatting rule within the view.
- Configure Toggles the ability to use the field chooser and the options under the Configure button. These options are: Fields, Conditional Formatting, Formulas, Filter Logic, Manage Views, Keyboard Shortcuts, and Help.
- Detail Grid Toggles the ability to use the Detail Grid within the reading pane. This is a tab that allows the user to view data vertically rather than horizontally.
- DrawLoop Retired setting that formally allowed integration with Drawloop.
- Drill Down Toggles the ability to select one or multiple records and drill down to child records in a new window.
- Drill Up Toggles the ability to select one or multiple records and drill up to parent record information in a new window.
- Edit Mode Toggles the ability to edit information inline on a grid.
- Editable Parental Fields Toggles the ability to edit parent record information inline on a grid.
- Export to CSV controls the Export to CSV action.
- Export to CSV with Record IDs controls the Export to CSV with Record IDs action.
- Export to Excel Toggles the ability to select one or multiple records and export the information to excel.
- Export to Excel with Record IDs controls the Export to Excel with Record IDs.
- Fill Down Toggles the ability to make a change to a field, select one or more records, and apply the edited value to all selected records.
- Filter Logic Toggles the ability to see what the current filters are on a grid in the Filter Logic window.
- Find/Replace Toggles the ability to find and replace values for one or multiple records at a time.
- Follow Records Toggles the ability to follow one or multiple records at a time.
- Font Size allows users to set the font size for any given view.
- Formula Fields Toggles the ability for the creation of formula fields on a grid.
- Formula Mass Update Toggles the ability to update one or multiple records using the values from a formula field created on a grid.
- Fullscreen Mode Toggles the ability to put a grid into full screen mode.
- Geopointe Toggles the ability to select one or more records and view them in a Geopointe map (integration).
- Grid Required Field Prefill controls whether or not required fields get prefilled with a default value.
- Hover Detail Tips (Lookup) Toggles the ability to hover over a lookup and see details about the linked record in a mini layout.
- Lightning Component allows users to add lightning components to the reading pane.
- ListBrowse Toggles the ability to select multiple records and view them as a collection of records that can be paged through. The ListBrowse feature is deprecated and no longer supported by Conga.
- Manage Views Toggles the ability to open the manage view window from a grid.
- MapAnything Toggles the ability to select one or more records and view them in a MapAnything map (integration).
- Mass Update Large Batch (disabled by default) Toggles the ability to update more than 1000 records at a time by allowing the user to update all pages rather than just one.
- Mass Update Single Page Toggles the ability to update the values of multiple records at a time.
- Merge Toggles the ability to merge duplicate records together using DupeCheck (integration).
- Paste to Batch Insert Toggles the ability to paste the information in from an Excel Spreadsheet to insert new records.
- Paste to Batch Update (disabled by default) Toggles the ability to paste the information in from an Excel Spreadsheet to overwrite existing records.
- Reading Pane Toggles the ability to use the reading pane in a grid to display related information.
- Rename Columns Toggles the ability to rename a column on a grid.
- Reorder Columns gives users an additional interface for reordering columns within the Grid.
- Save Views toggles the ability to save views, save data, and revert data that has been changed on a grid.
- Save View As allows you to save a copy of your view.
- Secure Mass Update (Legacy app) Allows users with the legacy Secure Mass Updater app to run it directly from the grid (integration).
- Send Email Toggles the ability to send emails directly from a grid.
- Show Footer causes the footer to automatically hide unless the user is scrolling through the view.
- Summarize Column Toggles the summary information seen at the bottom of columns with numerical values.
- Toolbar Toggles the availability of the toolbar on a grid. View in New Window Toggles the ability to view a record in a new window.
- View In New Window opens selected records in new windows.
- Wrap Text allows users to wrap text for text fields under the column settings.