The following options are available from the Functions drop-down list in the Saved Formulas window:


FunctionJavascript NotationDefinition
Add X Days(new Date(…)).addDays(…)Add a specified number of days to a date/time field.
Add X Hours(new Date(…)).addHours(…)Add a specified number of hours to a date/time field.
Add X Minutes(new Date(…)).addMinutes(…)Add a specified number of minutes to a date/time field.
Add X Months(new Date(…)).addMonths(…)Add a specified number of months to a date/time field.
Add X Weeks(new Date(…)).addWeeks(…)Add a specified number of weeks to a date/time field.
Add X Years(new Date(…)).addYears(…)Add a specified number of years to a date/time field.
Day of Month (1-31)… .getDate()Returns the day of month for the specified date.
Day of Week (0-6)… .getDay()Returns the zero-based day of the week (0=Sunday, 6=Saturday).
Hour of Day (0-23)… .getHours()Returns the zero-based hour for the specified date.
Is After… .isAfter(…)Returns true if the first date occurs after the second date. If a second date is not specified, Now is used.
Is Before… .isBefore(…)Returns true if the first date occurs before the second date. If a second date is not specified, Now is used.
Is Between… .between(…,…)Returns true if the specified date is between or equal to the specified start and end dates.
Is Blank… == nullChecks if a reference is to an empty grid cell. It returns true or false.
Is Equal To… === …Checks if a numeric argument is equal in value to a second numeric argument. If so, it returns true.
Is In Next X….inNext(…numberOf…,"…DaysWeeksMonthsOrYears…")Returns true if the date occurs within the next specified number of days, weeks, months, or years of the current date.
Is In Previous X….inLast(…numberOf…,"…DaysWeeksMonthsOrYears…")Returns true if the date occurs within the prior specified number of days, weeks, months, or years of the current date.
Is Not Blank… != nullChecks if a reference is to a populated grid cell. It returns true or false.
Is Not Equal To… !== …Checks if a numeric argument is not equal in value to a second numeric argument. If so, it returns true.
Is Today(…).between(, Date.parse("tomorrow"))Returns true if date value is todays date.
Is Weekday… .isWeekday()Returns true if the date is a weekday (Monday-Friday).
Minutes (0-59)… .getMinutes()Returns the zero-based number of minutes past the hour, for the specified date.
Month (0-11)… .getMonth()Returns the zero-based month (0=January, 11=December) of the specified date.
Now(new Date())Returns the current date and time.
Today( the current date.
Value(new Date(…year…,…month…, …day…,…hour…,…minutes…))Creates a new date with the specified year, month, day, hours and minutes.
Year… .getFullYear()Returns the year of the specified date.

For additional information see:


FunctionJavascript NotationDefinition
As Currencykendo.format("{0:c}", …)Formats a numeric value as currency with a dollar sign, for example: $1234.56.
As Datekendo.format("{0:d}", …)Formats a numeric value as a date in the form m/d/yyyy.
As DateTimekendo.format("{0:g}", …)Formats a numeric value as a date and time in the form M/d/yyyy h:mm tt.
As Decimalkendo.format("{0:n}", …)Formats a numeric value as a floating-point number, for example: 1234.56.
As Numberkendo.format("{0:n0}", …)Formats a numeric value as an integer, for example: 1234.
As Timekendo.format("{0:hh:mm tt}", …)Formats a numeric value as time in the form hh:mm tt.


FunctionJavascript NotationDefinition
And… && …Checks whether all arguments are true. If so, it returns true.
Group Selected(…)Logically groups a statement for order of operations.
If(…if…) ? (…then…) : (…else…)Checks whether a condition is met. It returns one value if true and another value if false.
Is Blank… == nullChecks if a reference is to an empty grid cell. It returns true or false.
Is Equal To… === …Checks if a numeric argument is equal in value to a second numeric argument. If so, it returns true.
Is Greater Than… > …Checks if a numeric argument is greater than a second numeric argument. If so, it returns true.
Is Less Than… < …Checks if a numeric argument is less than a second numeric argument. If so, it returns true.
Is Not Blank… != nullChecks if a reference is to a populated grid cell. It returns true or false.
Is Not Equal To… !== …Checks if a numeric argument is not equal in value to a second numeric argument. If so, it returns true.
Not!(…)Checks whether a condition is not met. If so, it returns true.
Or… || …Checks whether any of the arguments are true. If so, it returns true. If all arguments are false, it returns false.


FunctionJavascript NotationDefinition
Multiply… * …Multiplies two numeric values.
Add… + …Adds two numeric values.
Subtract… - …Subtracts two numeric values.
Divide… / …Divides two numeric values.
Absolute ValueMath.abs(…)Returns the absolute value of a number (the number without its sign).
Is Blank… == nullChecks if a reference is to an empty grid cell. It returns true or false.
Is Equal To… === …Checks if a numeric argument is equal in value to a second numeric argument. If so, it returns true.
Is Greater Than… > …Checks if a numeric argument is greater than a second numeric argument. If so, it returns true.
Is Less Than… < …Checks if a numeric argument is less than a second numeric argument. If so, it returns true.
Is Not Blank… != nullChecks if a reference is to a grid cell that is populated. It returns true or false.
Is Not Equal To… !== …Checks if a numeric argument is not equal in value to a second numeric argument. If so, it returns true.
MaxMath.max(…1…,…2…,…)Returns the maximum value in a set of values.
MinMath.min(…1…,…2…,…)Returns the minimum value in a set of values.
Random (0-1)Math.random()Returns a random number greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1, evenly distributed.
RoundMath.round(…)Rounds a number to a specified number of digits.
Round DownMath.floor(…)Rounds a number down, to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance.
Round UpMath.ceil(…)Rounds a number up, to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance.
ExponentMath.pow(…base…,…exp…)Returns the result of a number raised to a power.
Square RootMath.sqrt(…)Returns the square root of a number.


FunctionJavascript NotationDefinition
Append… + …Appends two text strings.
Contains(… .indexOf(…) > 0)Returns true if a string contains a specified value.
Index Of…indexOf(…substring…)Returns the index if a string appears in the value, or -1 if the value does not contain the string.
Is Blank… == nullChecks if a reference is to an empty grid cell. It returns true or false.
Is Equal To… === …Checks if a text string is equal in value to a second text string. If so, it returns true.
Is Not Blank… != nullChecks if a reference is to a grid cell that is populated. It returns true or false.
Is Not Equal To… !== …Checks if a text string is not equal in value to a second text string. If so, it returns true.
Replace… .replace(…find…,…replace…)Replaces part of a text string with a different text string.
Substring… .substr(…startIndex…,…length…)Returns a substring of the value starting at a specified index and with a specified length.
Value"…"A specified text value.


FunctionJavascript Notation
For EachObject.each(…list…, function(item){ // Use item });
Function (required)function(){ // comments return …; }()
Ifif (…test…) { …then… } else { …else… }
Regular expression/…regex…/.test(…string…)
Variablevar …x… = …y…;