crmc.require(['sfdc', 'KendoPopup', 'KendoEntry'], function (sfdc, popup, entry) { crmc.addCustomAction({ "itemID": "AcctSeed_Opportunity_PostBilling", "isBatchAddItem": true, "isAvailable": function (context) { // This function is called before the action item is displayed and returns a boolean if the item should be displayed // By default determine availability based on Feature Security for this action var isEnabled = this.featureSecurity.getSetting(, this.itemID) !== false; // Only allow batch adding from Accounts object for now var isOpportunity = == "Opportunity"; var multipleSelected = context.selectedRows && context.selectedRows.length > 0; return isOpportunity && isEnabled && multipleSelected; }, "getLabel": function (context) { // This function returns the display label of the action item and is called before the item is shown return "Create Billing"; }, "createSubmenuItems": function (context) { // If this function returns additional action item objects, they will appear as submenu items return []; }, "click": function (context) { var ids = []; if(context.selectedRows.length <= 5){ var submitUrl = "/apex/acctseed__BillingFromOpportunity?id=" { ids.push(row.Id); }); for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { + ids[i]); }; afterUpdate(); } else { popup.popup("Record Selection", "Currently, there is only support for 5 max records per batch."); } function afterUpdate(){ // Prompt to navigate the user to the results var buttons = [{ label: "Yes", click: function() { var billings = sfdc.query("SELECT Name, Id FROM AcctSeed__Billing__c WHERE AcctSeed__Opportunity__c IN('" + ids.join("','") + "') AND isdeleted = false"); form(billings); } }, { label: "No" }]; popup.popupWithButtons("Finished reviewing tabs?", "Would you like to choose the Posting Status value?", buttons); function form(ids){ var objectDescribe = sfdc.getSObjectDescribe("AcctSeed__Billing__c"); var picklistValues = []; Object.each(objectDescribe.fields, function(field){ if ( == "AcctSeed__Status__c"){ picklistValues = field.picklistValues; } } ); entry.entry("Posting Status", [{name: "AcctSeed__Status__c", label: 'Select Status', type: 'picklist', values: picklistValues, }], null, null, function(selectedValues) { var selectedStatus = selectedValues["AcctSeed__Status__c"].value; update(ids, selectedStatus); }); } function update(ids, status){ var pass = 0; var fail = 0 for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { //create an account var record = new sforce.SObject("AcctSeed__Billing__c"); //update that Billing record. = ids[i].Id; record.AcctSeed__Status__c = status; result = sforce.connection.update([record]); if (result[0].getBoolean("success")) { pass++; } else { fail++; } }; viewResults(pass, fail, ids); } function viewResults(pass, fail, ids){ // Prompt to navigate the user to the results var message = "" + pass + " have been updated" + ", would you like to Conga Grid the results?" var buttons = [{ label: "Yes", click: function() { urlPrams = []; for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { urlPrams.push(ids[i].Id); }; // Navigate to a list of just these recordIds"/apex/CRMC_PP__crmc_grid?object={0}&Ids={1}", "AcctSeed__Billing__c", urlPrams.join())); } }, { label: "No" }]; popup.popupWithButtons("Updated Billings", message, buttons); } } } });});