crmc.require(['sfdc', 'KendoPopup'], function (sfdc, popup) { crmc.addCustomAction({ "itemID": "PayBatch_From_Account_Payable_Line", "isAvailable": function (context) { // This function is called before the action item is displayed and returns a boolean if the item should be displayed // By default determine availability based on Feature Security for this action var isEnabled = this.featureSecurity.getSetting(, this.itemID) !== false; // Only allow batch adding from Accounts object for now var isVisible = == ("AcctSeed__Account_Payable_Line__c"); var multipleSelected = context.selectedRows && context.selectedRows.length > 0; return isVisible && isEnabled && multipleSelected; }, "getLabel": function (context) { // This function returns the display label of the action item and is called before the item is shown return "Pay Batch"; }, "createSubmenuItems": function (context) { // If this function returns additional action item objects, they will appear as submenu items return []; }, "click": function (context) { // // Include static resource from managed namespace pre-creates session and allows us to safely POST data without redirect issue var head = document.getElementsByTagName('HEAD').item(0); var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; head.appendChild(script); var domains = window.location.hostname.split("."); if (domains.length == 3) { instance = domains[0]; } else { instance = domains[1]; } script.src = "https://AcctSeed." + instance + "" + new Date().getTime(); script.onerror = function() { // Couldn't load app script, assume not installed popup.popup("Could not obtain session for Accounting Seed Financial Suite is the app installed?"); }; script.onload = function() { if (context.selectedRows.length > 0) { var selectedIds = []; Object.each(context.selectedRows, function (item) { var id = item["AcctSeed__Account_Payable__c"]; if(id === undefined || id === null){ //Do nothing if empty. } else if(!checkIds(id, selectedIds)){ selectedIds.push({name: "ids", value: id}); } }); if(selectedIds.length > 0) { var parameters = { retURL: context.actionGrid.settings.pageURL, }; sfdc.postToVFPage("acctseed", "AccountPayablePayBatch", parameters, selectedIds); } else { popup.popup('No IDs to POST', 'Make sure that Accounts Payable is loaded on the grid and that the fields are not empty'); } } else { popup.popup('Please select records', 'Select at least one record to add to a post to accounts payable.'); } }; //Does the ID already exist within the array? function checkIds(id, arr){ for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if(arr[i].value === id){ return true; } }; return false; } } });});