crmc.addCustomAction({ "itemID": "Batch_Process_Orders_From_Projects", "isAvailable": function (context) { // This function is called before the action item is displayed and returns a boolean if the item should be displayed // By default determine availability based on Feature Security for this action var isEnabled = this.featureSecurity.getSetting(, this.itemID) !== false; // Only allow batch adding from Accounts object for now var isProject = == "crmc_Project__c"; var multipleSelected = context.selectedRows && context.selectedRows.length > 0; return isProject && isEnabled && multipleSelected; }, "getLabel": function (context) { // This function returns the display label of the action item and is called before the item is shown return "Create Order(s)"; }, "createSubmenuItems": function (context) { // If this function returns additional action item objects, they will appear as submenu items return []; }, "click": function (context) { // This function is what is executed when the action item is clicked // Context object has this format: /* { selectedRows: rows selected in AG loadedRows: all rows loaded in AG objectDescribe: metadata for current custom object kendoGrid: kendoGrid object } */ var ids = []; // Show a prompt that contains the fields in FIELDSETNAME // For every selected row { ids.push(row.Id); });"/apex/Project_List_Create_Order?projectRecordIds=" + ids.join('%2c')); }});