You can send an agreement for signatures using the follow-up action from lookup agreements or create NDA workflow.

To send an agreement for e-Signature, you need to install DocuSign or AdobeSign in your Salesforce Org. Max discovers the signature provider and forwards the agreement for signature.

Max follows the following steps:

  1. Determines the e-signature provider.
  2. Selects the email template based on tenant level configuration.
  3. Sets the email subject based on tenant level configuration.
  4. Predicts the e-signature recipient as below:
    1. First preference is given to user-specified contact.
    2. If you do not specify any e-signature contact, Max selects the most recent recipient.
    3. If the most recent recipient of the Agreement is unavailable, Max prefers the agreement level primary contact.
    4. If the agreement level primary contact is unavailable, Max prefers the account level primary contact.
  5. Sets the CC user to the user logged in the Conga system.
  6. Asks the user to confirm the e-signature settings.
  7. Asks the user to change or confirm the recipient.
  8. Once the user confirms, the agreement is sent via email to the recipient for signature.

Sending an Agreement for e-Signatures

The following table represents the conversational flow for sending an agreement for e-Signature.




After Max displays the eSingature information, Click Send it.


Say Proceed. You can use one of the following commands:

  • yes
  • go ahead
  • proceed
  • cool
  • go for it
  • sure
  • ok
  • lets do it
  • lets go
  • looks good
  • looks great

Alright! I’ve sent your agreement to for signature. Let me know if I can help with anything else. 

Click Change Details to change the details of the recipient.

Max: What is the name of the signing party?

User: TestUser

Max: And what is their email address?


Max: Alright! I’ve sent your agreement to for signature.

Say Cancel or Stop to abort the workflow. You can use one of the following commands:

  • no
  • hold on
  • cancel
  • stop
  • abort
  • not quite
  • nah
  • nope

Alright, I am canceling the request for signature. Let me know if you need help with anything else.

Say Go back to revert to the last major step.

This option is applicable only if there is a valid context to go back to. If you looked up an agreement and invoked signature, and changed your mind and decided to go back, this option works as a "Back" button on the browser. It takes you back to the last major step