Download page Using a Custom Object as a Process Object.
Using a Custom Object as a Process Object
Follow these steps to create and use a custom object as a Process Object.
Alternatively, you can use the Custom Object Wizard in Conga Orchestrate Setup to streamline setting up a Custom Object and Process Object
Note: If the custom process object is from a managed package, and therefore, has a namespace, add the namespace to the Allowed Namespaces field on the Conga Orchestrate Setup page.
Create a Custom Object using the Salesforce help article, or skip this step if your organization already created a custom object.
Ensure these properties are set on the custom object:
Allow Reports
Allow Activities
Track Field History
Add Notes & Attachments
Allow Search
Create the required fields necessary for Conga Orchestrate to use the custom object as a Process Object.
(Optional) Create a Master Page Layout to make creating new page layouts easier in the future.
Create a clone of the Master Page Layout for specific processes.
Create record types using the Salesforce help article, and associate with Page Layouts for the specific processes.