Creating a Cart for an Order
This API creates a cart for the order referenced by OrderId.
API Details
Signature |
createCart |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Description |
request |
The request data object. |
Request Data Object - CPQStruct.CreateCartRequestDO |
Field |
Type |
Required? |
Description |
OrderId |
Yes |
The Id of the order to be associated with the cart. |
Properties |
No |
The list of properties applicable to the cart. |
Data Object - Config2.Property |
Field |
Type |
Required? |
Description |
Name |
Yes |
Specify the features applicable to the cart. Applicable values are:
Value |
No |
The applicable values are true or false. Specifying the value as true enables the feature for a cart. |
API Response
Response Data Object - CPQStruct.CreateCartResponseDO |
Field |
Type |
Description |
CartId |
The Id of the newly created cart object. |
Code Sample
The following code sample enables you to create a cart for a valid order with an Order Id. Using the sample, you can search for a valid order using an order number. If an order exists with the order number entered, you can create a cart using createCart(). You can invoke this API in use cases when you want to show a cart page based on the order.
public void createCart() { if(String.isNotBlank(orderId)) { // Create config properties List<Apttus_Config2.Property> configProps = new List<Apttus_Config2.Property>(); Apttus_Config2.Property prop = new Apttus_Config2.Property(); prop.Name = 'useAdvancedApproval'; prop.Value = 'false'; configProps.add(prop); prop = new Apttus_Config2.Property(); prop.Name = 'useDealOptimizer'; prop.Value = 'false'; configProps.add(prop); // Create the request Apttus_Config2.CPQStruct.CreateCartRequestDO request = new Apttus_Config2.CPQStruct.CreateCartRequestDO(); // Add request parameters request.OrderId = orderId; request.Properties.addAll(configProps); // Create a new cart for Order Apttus_Config2.CPQStruct.CreateCartResponseDO result = Apttus_Config2.OrderWebService.createCart(request); // Get the cart Id cartId = result.CartId; } else { ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(, 'Invalid or Blank Order Id.')); } }
Integration Details
Use the following information in your integrations with Conga CPQ Web Services API. Refer to Integrating Conga with External Systems for information on how to get started.
API Prerequisites
Request and Response XML
Example Request
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ord="" xmlns:cpq=""> <soapenv:Header> <ord:SessionHeader> <ord:sessionId>00D7A0000009QII!ARUAQFmpeBOmsYS2JcADxYc4PxWoOkAHJP1JiNo5vtvnDBCEvfnWWWmO7pqbEXY7WadiCmm_Vib6MjhmgUbR8321tIO1NQRg</ord:sessionId> </ord:SessionHeader> </soapenv:Header> <soapenv:Body> <ord:createCart> <ord:request> <!--Optional:--> <cpq:OrderId>a2n7A0000002tviQAA</cpq:OrderId> </ord:request> </ord:createCart> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
Example Response
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns="" xmlns:CreateCartResponseDO=""> <soapenv:Body> <createCartResponse> <result> <CreateCartResponseDO:CartId>a1I7A000001IqcfUAC</CreateCartResponseDO:CartId> </result> </createCartResponse> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>